Access of refugees to the University The manifesto presented in Lecce

by time news

twelve o’clock, April 6, 2021 – 2:22 pm

L’Atenero Salentino will present its participation in the initiative with an online seminar
scheduled for Wednesday 7 April 2021, at 6 pm on

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The University of Salento will present with an online seminar scheduled for Wednesday 7 April 2021, at 6 pm on, the adhesion to the “Manifesto dell’Universit inclusive” and to the consortium “Uni-co- re 3.0 ”: two initiatives that testify to the University’s commitment to issues related to hospitality, peace and rights. The seminar is part of “UniSalento +”, a project that aims to disseminate an inter and transdisciplinary didactic approach in the study courses of the University of Salento on issues considered strategic: gender issues, sustainable development, inequalities and racism and, precisely , peace and human rights.

During the seminar, the Rector Fabio Pollice, the referent for the “Manifesto of the inclusive University” Flavia Lecciso, the Delegate for Internationalization Rosita D’Amora, the Delegate for the training offer Attilio Pisan, the Delegate for the Right to Education will speak Giuseppe Gioffredi, the contact person for the “Uni-co-re 3.0” consortium Eliana Augusti and also Michele Telaro of the UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency, Stefania Gualtieri of the Emmanuel Lecce Foundation and Don Nicola Macculi of the Caritas Diocesana Lecce.

UNHCR has proposed the “Inclusive University Manifesto” to Universities to facilitate refugee access to university education and promote social integration and active participation in academic life. By adhering to this Manifesto, UniSalento undertakes to undertake and expand activities and programs in favor of refugee students: information and tutoring services, recognition of qualifications obtained abroad, scholarships and incentives, “university corridors” for entry of refugee students residing in third countries.

In particular, by joining the “University Corridors for Refugees” (Uni-co-re) project, UniSalento has published a call that will allow a refugee residing in Ethiopia to attend one of the master’s degree courses “Coastal and marine biology and ecology ”(in English),“ Computer engineering ”(in English),“ Digital humanities ”(in English),“ Euro-Mediterranean migration policies and governance ”,“ Management engineering ”(in English). Local project partners are Caritas Diocesana and the Emmanuel Foundation.

All details on

Joining the “Uni-co-re” consortium is part of a broader process that starts with the adhesion of our university to the inclusive University Manifesto promoted by UNHCR, underlines the Rector Fabio Pollice, The Manifesto is born from the awareness that cultural, technical and intellectual experiences gained by refugees in various parts of the world can be a resource. The University of Salento already has a consolidated experience of welcoming refugees recipients of MIUR-MAECI scholarships, the choice of joining the “Uni-co-re” consortium was therefore natural. In the executive phase of the project, the collaboration with Caritas and the Emmanuel Foundation was very important. Salento is naturally a land of welcome, and a strong didactic, scientific and involvement commitment of the Salento area by our University on issues related to hospitality, peace and rights. The next step will be the establishment of an “Interdepartmental University Center for Peace” open to the adhesion of local authorities and operators interested in spreading and strengthening the culture of peace and justice.

April 6, 2021 | 14:22

© Time.News

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