Hebrew News – Swiss-German study: “1 in every 500 children receiving the Pfizer vaccine was hospitalized”

by time news

Swiss-German study: “1 in every 500 children receiving the Pfizer vaccine was hospitalized”

The study published in a scientific journal indicates that the percentage of side effects as a result of the vaccine is higher than other vaccines, in that about half a percent of all children (1 out of 200) vaccinated in the follow-up group in Germany suffered from side effects in the weeks and months that followed

One in five hundred children under the age of five who received Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine were hospitalized with some injury, and one in two hundred children suffered any symptoms that lasted for several weeks or months – according to a new study conducted jointly by researchers From Germany and Switzerland.

The study published in the journal‏JAMA ‏It included about 7,806 children aged five and under who were under surveillance for about 91.4 days on average from the day of the first vaccination.

This is a retrospective follow-up study that was carried out as an online and verified survey (response rate 41.1%) in the spring of 2022 and which included parents or caregivers who registered their children to receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in Germany. The study also compared the side effects of the vaccine to the side effects experienced by children who received other vaccines.

Below are the results.

In the vaccine the mRNAs were recorded

  • General symptoms: 62% higher
  • Musculoskeletal symptoms (muscles and bones): at a higher rate by about 155%
  • Dermatological symptoms (skin): 118% higher
  • Otolaryngological symptoms (ears, nose and throat): 537% higher
  • Cardiovascular symptoms (heart, etc.): 36% higher
  • Digestive system symptoms (stomach, etc.): 54% higher

In 0.5% of the children (40 out of 7,806) the symptoms were “persistent and therefore of unknown significance” – for a study with a follow-up period of 2-4 months.

That is, 0.5% of the children experienced a negative effect that lasted weeks or months. In two cases (0.03%), the symptoms were verified as lasting more than 90 days

Ten children were hospitalized with reports of serious side effects (SAEs), compared to zero with the other vaccines – meanwhile, according to the study, the significant injury rates are not higher than those of other vaccines, and in addition, the study also determined that there were no reports of hospitalizations of children who received a dose lower than 3 micrograms.

Since we know that approximately 6,033 children received at least one dose above 3 micrograms, the rate in the relevant group of those suffering side effects leading to hospitalization is closer to 0.2%, or around one in 500.

Four of the aforementioned hospitalizations were due to damage to the heart and blood vessels; and four were related to lung problems.

The hospitalized children’s symptoms lasted an average of 12.2 days and a maximum of 60 days.

None reported a diagnosis of myocarditis. Also, no deaths were reported in this relatively small sample

The death rate from corona under the age of 20 was about 0.0003%.

The figure for children under five is even lower.

But even if we assume that this is the death rate of children under five and vaccines reduce it to zero, it still meansthat at least 500 children are hospitalized for every life that vaccines save‏.

However, the European Union has just approved the vaccine for this age group, and the US is adding it to its childhood vaccine schedule.

But at the same time, a number of European countries, led by Denmark, call to vaccinate only people over the age of 50.

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