Endocrinologist Lists Products to Replenish Vitamin D Deficiency | News | News

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The lack of vitamin D in the autumn-winter period will help to replenish not only tablets and vitamin complexes, but also special foods in the diet: fatty fish – salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, and egg yolk, endocrinologist Tatyana Bocharova recalled in an interview with RIA Novosti November 16.

“Today milk, yoghurts, juices, enriched with vitamin D are produced, – manufacturers irradiate them with ultraviolet light. However, it is impossible to cover the body’s need for vitamin only from food. If you set such a goal, you will have to eat about one kilogram of cod every day, ”the specialist recalled.

The endocrinologist added that in central Russia from May to September it is important to sunbathe. Bocharova also spoke about Russian recommendations for the daily dosage of vitamin D: for adults, this figure is 600-800 IU (international units). For people over 50 years old – 800-1000 IU.

In early November, nutritionist, endocrinologist Mikhail Ginzburg told how to get vitamin D in case of intolerance to tablets. This trace element, he said, can be obtained from certain foods, as well as other drugs and various cosmetic procedures.

In October, Marina Makisha, a nutritionist and member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, spoke about how a lack of vitamin D in the body causes serious brain disease. Due to a deficiency of a useful microelement, the aging process of the brain accelerates, the risks of developing senile sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases increase.

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