Employer President Dulger re-elected | Free press

by time news

The incumbent employer president Rainer Dulger was elected for a further two years. As the top employer, he represents the interests of more than a million companies, according to the association.

Berlin (dpa) – Rainer Dulger has been re-elected as President of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) for another two years. The BDA announced this on Monday after a general meeting in Berlin.

Dulger took up the post in November 2020 as the successor to Ingo Kramer for an initial two years. “We are facing a huge structural change that will lead to fundamental changes in the German economy and is a formative topic of our time for our country and our society,” said Dulger after the election. Announcements of new beginnings and a future coalition should not just remain empty phrases.

According to the association, as the top employer boss, the 57-year-old represents the interests of more than 1 million companies with over 30 million employees – in industry, trade, craft or services.

Dulger has been a member of the Executive Committee of the BDA since 2003 and was acting Vice-President until his election as President last year. Before that, Dulger was President of Gesamtmetall, the umbrella organization of 21 employers’ associations in the German metal and electrical industry, from 2012 to 2020.

For more than 20 years he has been a managing partner of ProMinent GmbH based in Heidelberg. The manufacturer in the field of dosing technology and water disinfection has more than 2,700 employees. Since 2014 Dulger has also been President of the State Association of Baden-Württemberg Employers’ Associations and Entrepreneurs in Baden-Württemberg.

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