Death of Lola: Reconquest finally deletes its website dedicated to the girl

by time news, or even… Almost three days after the death of Lola, this 12-year-old teenager killed in Paris a week ago, Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête party had bought these three domain names – used to access a website –, rejecting any idea of ​​“recovery” of this sordid news item. But after a very clear press release from Lola’s family, this Friday, Reconquest confirms with the Parisian that they have suspended them, as announced by BFM TV.

“We are preparing a site on which there will be the places of the gatherings to pay tribute to Lola, we are working on it”, justified Wednesday Samuel Lafont, the director of the digital strategy of Reconquête, to the Parisian, ensuring then that there is no would have “not the name or the logo of the party”. A site had actually been put online to present a list of gatherings in tribute to the girl everywhere in France, before it was deactivated on Friday evening after a press release from the girl’s parents.

In this press release, published this Friday afternoon by their lawyer, Lola’s parents ask that “immediately cease, and be withdrawn, any use of the name and image of their child for political purposes”, during events and on the Internet. Her parents wish “to be able to honor the memory of their daughter in the serenity, respect and dignity that is due to her”, recalled the lawyer Me Clotilde Lepetit.

The petition also withdrawn

A call to demonstrate, in the form of a petition, posted on the website, of which Samuel Lafont is the founder, had also caused a lot of talk: a pre-ticked box made it possible to retrieve the email address in order to to send information from this “news site” essentially directed against immigration. This petition was also deleted on Friday.

As soon as the Algerian nationality of those arrested first and then of the main suspect was known, the right and the far right, Reconquête in the lead, quickly mobilized on social networks through the hashtags #JusticePourLola or #ManifPourLola. Activists had also created photo montages bearing the effigy of the teenager.

Thursday evening, a demonstration in tribute to the little girl had brought together a few hundred people around Éric Zemmour in Paris. The National Rally, which had initially planned to participate, finally held a minute of silence at the same time before the National Assembly.

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