5 daily habits that are good for your mental health

by time news

Everyone has good and bad habits. One is worse than the other. It makes sense that unhealthy eating, smoking or drinking alcohol every day is not good for you. Picking up your phone as soon as you wake up is also not a good habit, especially for you mental health. This is why it is good to break some bad habits and develop good habits for your mental health. We explain what habits those are for you.

Physical and mental health

Not only your physical health needs sufficient attention, but also your mental health. Where you eat healthy for your body, exercise and get enough sleep, such things are also important and good for your mental state. Your physical and mental health are therefore linked. When you don’t feel well physically, you also feel less strong mentally.

1. Get enough sleep

This habit sounds pretty obvious, we know. Yet many people underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep. When you get enough sleep, your brain gets a chance to cleanse and process the emotions and events of the day. If you don’t get enough sleep, you also become overstimulated and irritated more quickly and this also results in little motivation and concentration. In short, sleep = key.

2. Eat breakfast

Yes, it really is. Breakfast is important. If you start with some food in your stomach, you will perform a lot better throughout the day than if you didn’t. Breakfast also ensures that you eat more regularly for the rest of the day. So do you eat brekkieeven if it’s just a banana or a bowl of cottage cheese.

3. Put your phone away more often

Yup, that thing’s pretty much glued to our hand. Your phone is addictive and like almost any other addiction it is not healthy. You unconsciously get stress, sleeping problems and sometimes even gloomy feelings from your phone and social media. You are constantly ‘on’ and see the so-called perfect lives of others passing by. It is therefore good to distance yourself from your smartphone every now and then. For example, do not start and end your day immediately by checking your Instagram feed. That gives you a lot more peace of mind.

4. Get enough rest

In a world where everyone is running from top to bottom and busy, it is sometimes difficult to choose for yourself and take a rest. Yet this is a habit that is very important. Take a break from your day as a daily habit, even if it’s just half an hour. Go for a walk, read a book, write down your thoughts or do something else that gives you peace of mind. This daily habit is very important for you mental healthso don’t underestimate him.

5. Move for half an hour

Not everyone among us is a real athlete, but you don’t have to be an athlete to get enough exercise. For you mental health It is important to get enough exercise, preferably at least half an hour a day. We understand that in a busy schedule it is sometimes difficult to get this done, but it’s all in the small things. Take the bicycle instead of the bus, walk to the supermarket instead of the scooter, take the stairs instead of the elevator. je mental health will thank you.

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