Three workers from a reforestation company, among the 5 accused of the Ateca fire in which 14,000 hectares burned

by time news


In addition to those responsible for the multinational Land Life, the court summons two workers who were carrying out field work to testify.

Forest fire in Ateca (Zaragoza), last July.EP

The titular magistrate of the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 2 of Calatayud has summoned to testify five defendants (investigated) for the forest fire in Ateca (Zaragoza) in which 14,000 hectares of forest and crops in 11 municipalities in the area burned.

In addition to considerable losses, the incident caused the eviction of some 2,000 people from their homes.

The specialists of Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Civil Guard concluded, in their investigation, that it was “a serious imprudence” during the reforestation work in the place of monegrillowithin the municipality Atecathe triggering cause of the flames of the fire on July 18.

As alleged perpetrators, the seprona He pointed to five people: The driver of the shovel-excavator or retro-spider that caused the initial spark and a co-worker; as well as three managers of the Land Life company, in charge of the reforestation project that was carried out in the area.

Mon publish this Saturday Herald of Aragonthe first to appear in court on November 3 will be the brothers Gaspar y Carlos C. R., to whose contractor company Land Life had commissioned the field work as part of a reforestation project.

At the second session, scheduled for November 18, the three employees of Land Life: Francis P. B., director of the office of said company in spain; Leyre V.G., engineer in charge of the technical supervision of the work carried out in the place of monegrillo; y Gaspar C. S., an employee who was also dedicated to controlling the different orders on the spot.

Likewise, two other people have been called to testify as witnesses and several neighbors affected by the fire.

according to Heraldin the case there is an email provided by Land Life with which he intends to prove that the same day the fire was declared, at 9:24 am, the engineering Leyre V.G. communicated to the also investigated Carlos C.P. that he must “take extreme precautions” and “stop the works as soon as the temperature rises”.

When the employee was questioned by the Civil Guard, she explained that, in addition to sending said email, she called Carlos CP by phone to insist that they should stop working at noon.


The Government of Aragon, which in its day denounced the facts before the Prosecutor’s Office, is present in the open case for the fire of Ateca as a private prosecution.

The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and the Environment, Joaquin Olonaremembered then that, due to the heat wave, with temperatures above 40 degrees, an order was issued recommending that no work be carried out on the mountain.

Olona pointed out that on June 21, after another disaster occurred in the same place that burned 25 hectares, a series of recommendations were sent to Land Life among which was that it would paralyze the reforestation work.

Something that, as pointed out, was not done by the multinational, responsible for the reforestation of the mountain where the fire occurred, whose work was commissioned to a local company.

Land Lifebased in the Netherlands, announced an investigation to “clarify what happened and purge responsibilities.”

Likewise, it acknowledged that the fire occurred during the digging work carried out by one of its contractors, using a retro-spider excavator, for subsequent planting during the winter.

According to the criteria of

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