The climate and biodiversity CNR will have to prove its usefulness

by time news

There was the banner planted by the Prime Minister, “France nation verte”, and her speech on the method for “act, mobilize, accelerate” for the ecological transition. Then the speeches of five ministers to embody and explain what will be the missions of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) version “climate and biodiversity”launched this Friday, October 21 at the premises of La Recyclerie, in the 18e district of Paris.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elisabeth Borne sets up the National Refoundation Council for the Climate

All supported by a few introductory words from scientists and personalities from civil society. It was for the hundred people invited, from civil society, trade unions, associations, professional organizations, elected officials, etc., the opportunity to hear themselves reminded of a few truths about the climate emergency and the crisis of the biodiversity. Findings and known figures, enough to wonder about the interest of this new structure on the ecological transition. Because, of the latter, we have already talked a lot during the great national debate, launched in January 2019 by Emmanuel Macron, during the citizens’ convention for the climate (CCC), from October 2019 to June 2020, then on the occasion of the parliamentary debates around the Climate and Resilience Law of August 22, 2021. Without forgetting the regular contributions of the High Council for the Climate or the National Council for Ecological Transition (CNTE).

“Building two consensuses”

Elisabeth Borne first explained that it was necessary “identify the levers to activate”pleading for a France “greener and fairer” and boasting “a new method of action”. To achieve this, the work of the CNR will be based on twenty-two workshops, taking up the themes already identified by the CCC (housing, food, work, production, travel, consumption) and cross-cutting projects (taxation, sobriety, just transition …). If the timetable is yet to be specified, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, Christophe Béchu, said that the work would begin in mid-November. A plenary assembly of the CNR is announced for the month of December. “We are not doing this to amuse the gallery”affirmed the minister at the end of the two hours of exchanges with the assembly.

There would be the measures already decided, in the laws passed on the circular economy, energy, climate… for which it is necessary to ensure that they are well applied, we explain to Matignon. “There are actions on which the ideas are clear, such as those for renewable energies or urban renewal, and those on which new modes of action must be found, consensus building. »

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