Shoes that tell stories of people who have difficulty moving –

by time news
from Livia Gamondi

A different way to talk about multiple sclerosis is the project where people meet to walk together wearing The SMeakers

The movement is not obvious for those who have received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, but it is essential to be able to get better and be stronger. The SMeakers campaign. The Shoes of those who never stop by Sanofi in collaboration with Aism (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association) which started last year and arrived at the Central Station in Milan, where there is a 4-meter reproduction of the shoe. The goal is to raise awareness and support research, especially in rehabilitation, thanks to the collaboration of all. Involve the citizens to wear shoes with the stories of Cristina, Federico and Rachele, which express a life in motion beyond the disease and encourage them not to stop and try to go beyond the limits of each one. To do this, it is necessary to reach the thousand shoes purchased in pre-sale in order to start production, part of the proceeds of each pair of shoes will be donated to the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Federation.

Attention to movement is what binds us to SMeakers. The important goal is to make people walk in our shoes to make them understand with our stories what we face every day – explains Francesco Vacca, President of Aism -. The difficulties and fatigue of many of us are summarized in a sentence by the vice president of Aism Rachele Michelacci: “Just for the fact that I get up every morning, I deserve a round of applause”. Walking with us means supporting the purchase of these extraordinary SMeakers helps us to continue our projects related to the rehabilitation research area, conducted by our researchers within the Aism rehabilitation service in Genoa.

Indeed, good physical activity and rehabilitation are important elements of treatment and are of great help in maintaining and improving funimportant actions such as balance, mobility, coordination and muscle tone. In addition, they have a positive effect on self-esteem and mood. In Italy, there are about 133 thousand people with multiple sclerosis, in most cases it affects young adults between the ages of 20 and 40 and women are twice as many as men. a complex disease with very varied and unpredictable signs and symptoms such as sensitivity and pain disorders, diplopia (double vision), fatigue. Most people experience more than one symptom and these change over time, come and go, and the intensity also varies. Walking in these shoes means being part of a community and bringing with you stories of strength and of those who have decided not to give up. The SMeakers can be purchased in pre-order by 31 October 2022 by visiting the website and, for those in Milan, by scanning the QR code present at the installation in Central Station.

October 22, 2022 (change October 22, 2022 | 10:23)

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