“The date 2030″… The first country in the world to “prevent” the emergence of new HIV infections

by time news

Over the past weeks, Gulf people have spoken loudly on social media about an ancient infectious disease that is spreading again on a large scale: swine flu.

Users of the communication sites said that they suffer from strong flu symptoms, with a continuous rise in body temperature that does not drop easily, compared to the usual symptoms of colds at this time of the year.

They pointed out that these symptoms are “not considered normal” for seasonal influenza, but experts say the opposite and confirm that the symptoms are normal, and there is no cause for concern.

Tweeters explain that many of these injuries came after students returned to school, noting that the symptoms are more severe than those that affect humans while exposed to seasonal influenza viruses.

In Kuwait, “Al-Qabas” newspaper, quoting health sources, reported on October 20, the spread of the “swine flu virus” with “hundreds of patients and visitors to hospitals and centers,” noting that most of the cases are recovering.

confirmed Ministry Kuwaiti Health “increased the emergence of respiratory symptoms with the beginning of the current season of viral diseases,” saying that most cases “did not require admission to hospital and within the expected annual rates.”

In the UAE, the Abu Dhabi Center for Global Health said that the level of seasonal influenza and cases during this season is within the expected rates compared to the years preceding the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the center responsible for the health sector in the Gulf emirate did not mention the term swine flu in the statement published by the Emirates News Agency (WAM) on October 19. The statement followed tweets complaining of more severe symptoms of the disease.

In this context, Ghanim Al-Hejailan, a consultant in Internal Medicine and Communicable Diseases, a member of the American Society of Infectious Diseases, believes that the spread of the H1N1 virus is normal and expected.

The Kuwaiti doctor told Al-Hurra TV website that this spread comes after two years of precautions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which reduced the chances of seasonal influenza viruses spreading during the past two years.

But Al-Hujailan said that the name “swine flu” that appeared in 2009 had ended and the H1N1 virus had become one of the regular seasonal influenza viruses.

The origin of “swine flu”

And in the spring of 2009, scientists identified a particular strain of swine flu known as H1N1. According to the “Mayo Clinic”, this virus is a mixture of viruses that come from pigs, birds, and humans, and cause disease in humans.

During the 2009 and 2010 flu season, the H1N1 virus caused an infection in the human respiratory tract that was commonly referred to as “swine flu”.

In view of the high number of cases of this disease around the world, the World Health Organization of the United Nations declared in the summer of 2009 that swine flu had become a global epidemic.

In August 2010, the World Health Organization declared this global epidemic to be over. Later, the H1N1 virus became one of the strains that cause seasonal influenza, which usually spreads in the fall.

Al-Hujailan indicated that the spread of seasonal influenza, including the H1N1 virus, in the Gulf countries during this time of the year is considered normal.

He continued, “After two years, in which we were suffering from a respiratory disease, forcing us to follow precautions, including social distancing and wearing masks, this reduced the chances of the seasonal flu spreading at those times.”

He identified two important factors to increase the frequency of the virus’ spread, including the return of people from summer vacations, in addition to school children.

He explains, “Every child is a home, and the number of children in one class reaches 25, which means that the virus can reach these homes in just one day in one class.”

Less dangerous than COVID-19

Al-Hejailan said that the symptoms of the H1N1 virus are very similar to the symptoms of other strains of seasonal influenza, which he indicated are divided into three groups.

He added: “Influenza is divided into three groups according to genes and genetic formula: the first is A, which is the most prevalent and the most symptomatic, including H1N1, the second is B, which is 30% lower in infections, and the third is C, which constitutes the mildest symptoms to the extent that it may not affect humans.”

He explained that the common symptoms of seasonal influenza are fatigue and exhaustion, high temperatures, in addition to a dry cough.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States recommends getting an annual influenza vaccine for everyone aged 6 months and over, a view reiterated by the Abu Dhabi Center for Public Health in its recent statement, saying that vaccinations are “one of the best ways to prevent infection and complications from the disease.”

This vaccine can reduce the risk and severity of influenza infection and reduce the risk of serious illness and hospitalization, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Although the disease is not dangerous for most cases, the elderly and people with chronic diseases are at risk, according to Dr. Al-Hejailan.

He said that the probability of dying from seasonal influenza is 1 percent, compared to 3 percent for the emerging coronavirus, “SARS-Cove-2”.

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