out of the tree

by time news

Isar, Neckarwestheim, Emsland, sure, everyone knows it. Are responsible for our power supply and, after the boom from the Chancellery, also future-proof. Until April 2023. After that, Germany will turn off its electricity. . .Our dear colleagues from faz.net have a graphic on the homepage, which is pretty easy to read. Electricity mix this week: wind 31.4, solar 10.1, biomass 8.5, other 6.5 percent. Atom 7.7, gas 7.9, coal 27.8 percent. If the others are green, only 43.4 percent need to be replaced. That will probably be done by next winter. Meanwhile we pay 56 cents per kWh and enjoy the pool at 18 degrees.

Holger Appel

Editor in business, responsible for “Technology and Motor”.

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The good news: There is still money for useful projects. When Isar, Neckarwestheim and Emsland are long history, the world will still be talking about Hofheim. District town, on the Taunus, center of innovation. A tree machine is to be purchased there. tree, not construction! A three meter high box made of wood and moss, watered and ventilated. The City-Tree costs just 60,000 euros, of course not financed from tax money, but from the state program “Future City Centre”. Thanks are due to the city councilors for their prudence and foresight. The City-Tree is much better than a real tree, more precisely than 67 young trees, whose cooling capacity it achieves. And the air filtration, eight times as strong as three full-grown trees. At least within a radius of 5 meters. In addition, as we learn, thanks to regular and virtually free maintenance, the box has no expiration date and certainly hardly causes any electricity costs from the nuclear power plants that no longer exist, in contrast to such a real tree, which you also have to water at the end. The advertising slogan has never been so topical: concrete, it depends on what you make of it. If someone from the Taxpayers’ Association would like to look at the black book and look for it on the map: Hofheim is right next to Schilda.

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Along the way, comply. Sanifair raises prices. 1 euro instead of 70 cents. Makes 43 percent inflation for going to the highway toilet. We could think of a number of things, such as “that’s a stab in the . . .” or “Such a . . . . . .idea”. But there is no longer enough strength for that. 112. Oxygen shock. About City-Tree, you know.

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