A kosher supervisor collapsed on the holiday and died at the age of 54

by time news

In Manchester, England, the late Rabbi Mordechai Dov Katz, a kosher overseer who suddenly collapsed on the Sukkot holiday after bleeding from his head, died. He left behind eight children. His funeral will be held today in the religious section in Manchester

Baruch Dayan the truth: this morning from England comes the sad news of the death of the late Rabbi Mordechai Dov Katz from Manchester who died after suffering a severe head bleed and he was 54 years old at the time of his death.

“Bachderi Haredim” learned that on Sukkot he was hospitalized after collapsing on Hol Moed during the prayer before Simchat Beit HaSheva, since then he was unconscious and many prayed for the healing of Mordechai Dov ben Chaya, but to protect his heart he returned his soul to its creator.

The late Rabbi Mordechai Dov, born in Chicago, settled after his marriage in Manchester, England, where he worked in Rabbi Westheim’s kashrut system in Manchester, where he served as head of the supervisors.

In his work as a supervisor he was an exemplary figure in the eyes of the workers who worked under him and unfortunately he passed away leaving everyone in shock.

He left behind his widowed wife Shethai, nee Yosef of Manchester, and eight children.

His funeral will be held today in Manchester at Beit Chaim Phillips Park in the section of religious holders Shem Yeatman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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