“Reveal Na”: a new and surprising third album by Yoni Gnot • to listen

by time news

Yoni Ganot, 49 years old, former ‘Bin Shamshot’ vocalist, one of the most prominent and beloved creators of original Jewish music, launches after more than two decades of extensive musical activity, full of collaborations with the best musicians and creators – Ehud Banai, Erik Sinai, Yishai Rivo and others – some of whom became milestones in the connection between contemporary Israeli music and the Jewish origins, the third album “Discover Na”

The album includes 13 songs – among them the beloved “Yesham Libi” which has already gained more than a million views on YouTube, with the participation of esteemed musicians including Arik Sinai, Yigal Harosh, Yehoshua Limoni, Ilan Demari and more.

Among others, Yankla Segal, Shmulik Daniel, Maor Shoshan, Eyal Mazig, Tzach Drori, Eran Klein and more participated in its production.

One of the powerful and influential songs of the Riya Kok Zatzel receives a new outfit and a surprising and stimulating interpretation by Yoni Gnot Weigal Harush, under the musical direction of Yankela Segal.

“Rabbi Kook, who was the first chief rabbi of Israel, is one of the most colorful and influential figures on the resurgent Judaism in the Land of Israel,” says Ganot. “Rabbi Kook Zat’l was a wonderful combination of a rabbinical leader with halachic and intellectual genius, but also a poet with a free spirit and soul that crosses borders.

“In this song the rabbi expressed the cry of the soul that wants to break through the heavens and be freed from all the chains…”

This cry receives a powerful and spectacular expression with the authentic Yoni melody of Jankala’s oriental arrangement and Yigal’s ethnic vocals and instruments.

Spaces Spaces

My space to my soul

Do not lock me in any cage, neither physical nor spiritual

My soul has wandered across the sky

There are no walls of the heart, no walls of deeds, morals, logic and etiquette

Above all these she wandered and flew

above all that shall be called by any name

Exalted from all pleasure, from all pleasure and beauty,

From above all sublime and noble

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