“I didn’t realize it was something crazy”: Noy Padlon on the performance at the “Hard Rock Hotel”.

by time news

the singer Noy Padalon managed to conquer in recent days another peak throughout her developing and prosperous career, this when she was invited to perform at the well-known and prestigious hotel “Hard Rock Hotel” in Miami in the United States in the presence of 2,000 people who cheered from the audience.

Padlon talked to Iris Cole and told about the exciting moment: “I am working in Israel trying to do a lot of collaborations and promote myself and my songs. My partner works in Los Angeles, and I said I would join him. They contacted me from the Red Rock Hotel and told me there was an audience Huge in Miami who wants to see me. I didn’t know the hotel, I’m the most peripheral. Somewhere I called it. I told my partner that I had a concert there, and I didn’t realize it was something crazy. There were about 2,000 people there, and it was sold out.”

Later, she added: “There is a frenzy of opportunities in every corner. I am alone in this system, it is very difficult to make music and be alone. There are new things happening. It is very already, but also very satisfying – I reached my goals on my own. I don’t like being a fighter for justice, But I believe that talent and art still have a place.”

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Editing: Michal Kadosh

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