Don’t skimp on trying it… Tricks to remove wax residue from jars

by time news

Follow up – Loujain Ismail:

Many of us are surprised when the candle wick ends, and you want to use it as a container for pens or a vase for flowers. The task of removing leftover wax remains a daunting task. Here are some tricks for removing leftover wax from jars.

warm water:

  • Burn the candle until 1/2 inch of wax remains. Then fill a dish or a deep bowl with warm water.
  • Place the wax jar in the bowl and wait for the remaining wax to melt.
  • Remove the wax and wipe the bowl with a tissue.

wax freeze:

  • Put the used candle in the freezer overnight. Once it reaches freezing, gently press until the wax comes out, the frozen wax can be broken into pieces so that it is easy to extract.
  • Using a soft cloth, remove any remaining wax, wick, or glue point. Then wash the bowl.
  • Once the wax is removed, leave the jar on its side to reach room temperature. Then wash it with warm water and soap.

the oven

  • First, make sure the jars are clean of any paper, tape, or other flammable material. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees.
  • Lay aluminum foil on a flat tray. Flip the jars onto the aluminum foil.
  • Place in the oven for 15 minutes until the wax melts, then remove the baking tray from the oven and place the empty jars on a piece of parchment paper. Or aluminum foil and leave to cool and then wash with soap and water.

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