by time news

Written by: Devil Quinn

He spent some time with the MD and the rest of the Royal Academy and after getting to know about his affairs, when he came down Roshan was having something from the cafe inside the academy. Hearing them coming to me, I raised my face and looked at them… “Excuse me..I am Julia Parhi.” When the girl I saw earlier stood beside me and gave me a cheerful smile, I still looked at her suspiciously.. I must have seen her earlier. As a sign of gratitude for saving me, I stopped to say thank you but when I saw her face, I realized that she had something else to talk to me, I said one minute and kept her there… “Does she have anything to ask or say to me..?!”

I asked this in Malayalam as she realized that she was a native Malayali at a glance after seeing the dress and appearance and she looked back at me with a slight frown… “Ah, that.. I…” “Sit…” because there were some problems in her expression. When I pulled back the chair on the side and asked her to sit, she looked around with fear and sat on the chair as if she should or not… Then the waiter brought coffee for me and I turned to her saying one more coffee to the boy… “Now tell me..” When I asked her coolly, she thought for a moment and started telling me… “Though I studied and grew up in London, I was born in Kerala. As my mother and father had a love marriage, my mother’s family did not like both of them… So we took a house there..

But later on my mother’s relatives came to London one by one and my father came with us to London..I was only five years old….After growing up, I even came to music class because of my father’s insistence….but here I am, Mashhood wearing a wolf’s face covering and throwing pitches at an ugly girl. Seeing… at first he was like a good friend.. but day by day I started to understand that he was looking at me with lustful eyes… from the day I realized that I managed to distance myself from him as much as possible.. but still he followed me without leaving me… all this There will be a doubt as to why I am saying this..or not..? “After saying one by one, she gave me a smile and when she asked me like this, I looked at her without saying anything else… “The reason I am saying this is because today I met someone….Mr. Ishaan Malik who is sitting right in front of me…

Many times I have seen this face on the phone… The only person who is becoming famous in this time… Mashhood is the one who often comes to get me alone… I have escaped from his hands many times. The two men held me there…but still with the grace of God I escaped again…I saw you when I was running away from their hands and at that time Mashhud came right there and threw the coffee in his hand on himself and made me guilty… He should have shamed me in front of everyone…for that he poured coffee on himself and raised his hand towards me making me guilty…but before that you came there and saved me…he won’t stand idly by…what bad behavior he will show..

There is a fear that he will do anything to you because of me…because of me no one should have any trouble…but now…something…there is a fear inside….I have come to say that…I have to take care of him.. Before she could finish saying that, her eyes were filled with tears. She quickly turned her face to the side and wiped her eyes. He and I will have a fight..he has a chance to attack me today after setting his level…but with the punctured leg and head he got from me, even if he doesn’t come to attack directly, he will probably retaliate by leaving his gag in a crooked way..how to contain him. Being convinced, I thought about it a lot I used to drink coffee without laughing..

. After a while, I went to the big hall where the music was performed with Roshan… Today night, there was a mega show in London’s private stadium, so I concentrated on the preparation… So at night, we reached the private stadium where the mega show is being held in London… Since it is a show with a number of singers, there is security control all around. Because of that, I thought that there would be no attack from Mashhood on me, but later I had to witness many things when it was time for my music performance. Everyone came to the stage where Minni was hiding and started singing…Finally it was Ishaan Malik’s turn and he started the song and started singing…

It had the feeling of touching the hearts of the bystanders as he sang each line… Meanwhile, some of the other members of Mashhood’s gag started hooting from one side, making Ishaan even more excited. The big singers were chanting that if Ishaan’s first performance was so grandiose then all the others would be even more fiery grandiose….the happiest of all were the Royal Academy sponsors who brought Ishaan to London…they felt very proud to bring him here. …Many singers have showered him with praises since the Megashow…

. After the mega show, many people started coming to him looking for him…Meanwhile, he started taking instrument classes for net class students in Royal Academy…Guitar was his main instrument..Whenever he taught the instrument, full students would be present there…Many girls in the class during the class time. He didn’t hesitate to hit them on the spot if he saw them staring at him without taking their eyes off him.. He had every timing to practice the song along with teaching the instrument…he started struggling day and night for that…so that day by day he got better at the song. Was keeping… Seeing that, Mashhood started getting jealous and jealous of Ishaan… Because of that, Mashhood is Ishaan who shows any bad behavior and drags Julie to a room wearing a face mask that looks like his face, but Ishaan stopped at the right time to spoil her with lust. She was rescued from his hands.

And with that he did not forget to give him more than what he had given to him first… Because of that he was afraid of no one and later started to fear Ishaan… From that day onwards Julia’s admiration for Ishaan increased day by day…. His character and behavior are liked by any girl so it won’t take long for it to turn into love. She didn’t come…every day of music class she comes to class early…not even before he starts teaching she keeps watching him…that too without him knowing…many times she wanted to tell him her love but for some reason a fear arose inside her…that’s why she didn’t say it directly He started doing things in a crooked way… When he was going to the library, he would carry a letter written in her handwriting inside his book… Allel would put the letter in his bag without his knowledge… So one day Ishaan happened to see the letter that Julie had left.. ????????????

“Da Rosha,,, this is a letter…?!” While holding the guitar and practicing a song, a piece of paper from my song book suddenly fell on the ground… I frowned and picked it up from the ground and realized that it was a letter… So when I asked Roshan like this as a question mark, he laughed and took the letter from my hand… ” It looks like it’s a love letter…” He shook it while watching the letter, I rolled my eyes at him… “You don’t need to roll your eyes… I didn’t say the right thing… Aren’t most of the girls here behind you… Some kind of fan association. .. I was afraid to tell you directly that I like any of them, so I left it here..Anyway, I read it.. Before he could finish, I snatched it from his hand and rolled it up and put it in the waste bin..

Then I took a look at Roshan and took the guitar and got out of the music hall and went down the stairs. When I saw Julie standing below… “Hey julia…” I called her from the stairs and by the time she looked back at me. Walked closer… “Come,, let’s go out…” When she was about to tell me something, I said this to her and walked out… Then I went to the outside seat and asked her to sit next to me… “I’m starting to notice you for a few days. When I said that, she who was looking at the road looked at me with a shock… “Ah,, why did you ask that……” “I don’t know…something,,I felt like that…” “Hey,,it’s nothing like that,,,it all just seems…” she said with a small smile and I gave her a snort…and there we were. Many things were talked about…. ???????????? So two years passed…in between many things happened…but still she kept her inner love inside her without telling him openly…so one day that incident happened…. …. (to be continued)….

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