Tired of dry hands? These 8 tips will help

by time news

When it gets colder, many people suffer from dry hands. A tight feeling, chapped, dry fingers and possibly tears and cracks in the top of your hand. An annoying feeling, but it can be remedied. We give you 8 tips.

Dry hands arise

First of all: how does dry skin develop? That has several causes. 1 of these is the difference in temperature between inside and outside. As a result, your skin dries out faster and rough spots can occur. Another is a moisture deficiency in the skin. Normally there is a protective layer of sebum and fat, which ensures the right moisture balance. If that layer is affected, too much moisture evaporates from your hands and dries them out. The older you get, the thinner the top layer of skin becomes. As a result, you can suffer from dry hands more quickly at a later age.

Washing your hands too often also causes rough hands. At the start of the corona period in 2020, everyone started washing their hands en masse. With many chapped, painful hands as a result. Washing dishes or cleaning with different agents and drinking too little water can also be causes.

Apply with hand cream

But what can be done about dry hands? Lubricate your hands with a good cream. The drier the skin, the oilier the ointment should be. The oily layer does not absorb, but provides protection. This prevents more moisture from pulling out of the skin. Think of products with vaseline or urea, udder ointment or based on vegetable ingredients such as shea butter or argan oil, for example. It is advisable to apply this before going to sleep, because then it can soak in all night. You also do not wash it off so quickly. You can also put on cotton gloves at night to ensure that the ointment really absorbs and does not get into your bedding.

Do not apply too much hand cream, the size of a hazelnut is enough. Apply this to the top of your hand and rub the cream into your skin with the top of your other hand. The insides of our hands have no sebaceous glands and therefore take little care. It just makes it feel greasy. At the end you can spread the last bits all over your hand, so the inside gets a little bit of care. Also, don’t apply every hour, that’s too much. About 3 times a day and in the evening before going to sleep is recommended.

Other tips for dry hands

Also, drink plenty of water to maintain the moisture in your skin. Also, don’t wash your hands too often. If you dry them, do this with a (paper) cloth and as little as possible under a hand dryer. The heat and airflow can also dry out your hands. When doing the dishes or cleaning anything else in the house, wear rubber gloves.

Humidity in the house

The humidity in the house can also be too low. If so, you probably feel it in other areas of your skin as well. You can then put a humidifier in the house. Earlier we gave tips on how to take care of your skin in the fall. And also what you can do about cracked corners of the mouth.

Put on gloves

When the weather gets colder outside, it can also be helpful to wear gloves when going outside. This way you can protect your hands from the cold. Using a mild soap is also a tip. Antibacterial soap is good for killing bacteria, but it also makes your skin very dry. A washing gel for babies can therefore feel nicer.

When to go to the doctor?

If nothing works or if you suspect that the dry hands are caused by a skin condition or stress, it is advisable to contact your doctor. There may be an underlying skin complaint, such as eczema.

(Source: Libelle, Huidzorg Houten, Flair.be, Viva Donna, Nivea, Etos. Photo: Shutterstock)

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