Professor of nephrology answers Al-Marsad newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Professor of Kidney and Endoscopic Surgery, Dr. Khaled Al-Otaibi, the truth about what is being raised about the benefits of parsley and gum arabic for the kidneys.

And he stressed, through the “In the Picture” program on the “Rotana Gulf” channel, that parsley is just a diuretic only and does not help the health of the kidneys, and added: “God gave you a kidney to keep it, and if you keep it, you start to get tired, and if the kidneys are disrupted due to a chronic disease.” It seldom comes back.

Dr. said. Al-Otaibi, that gum arabic may benefit those who have a normal kidney and not those with kidney failure, because it increases pressure on the kidney and causes a deterioration in its work.

In another context about folk medicine, he talked about his experience with a young man who had a tumor on the kidneys. He went to folk medicine and then returned after a while, and by detection, it became clear that the tumor had increased in size, and we performed an operation for him and removed a large tumor.

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