Budget: the Assembly rejects the motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN

by time news

The National Assembly rejected Nupes’ motion of censure on the budget, despite the support of the RN, which also saw its motion rejected at the start of the evening.

Source AFP

> is< vouloir l'echec du gouvernement >>, on a budget subject to 49.3< meilleur que celui qui avait ete depose >> ” title=”Elisabeth Borne taunted Monday at the Assembly the motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN including< le seul point d'accord >> is< vouloir l'echec du gouvernement >>, on a budget subject to 49.3< meilleur que celui qui avait ete depose >>
Elisabeth Borne mocked Monday in the Assembly the motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN whose “only point of agreement” is “to want the failure of the government”, on a budget submitted to 49.3 “better than the one which had been filed”

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AWhen the RN had decided to vote in favor of the motion of censure of the Nupes against the government budget, the National Assembly finally rejected it at the start of the evening. The motion garnered 239 votes out of the 289 needed. The deputies then voted on the motion of the group of Marine Le Pen, which was, as expected, largely rejected, collecting only 90 votes out of 289. These two decisions are worth adoption at first reading of the revenue section of the 2023 budget.

Monday afternoon, Marine Le Pen had declared that the RN was ready to vote for this motion, because the text was presented, according to her, “in acceptable terms”. She added: “I say it, so that no one even in high places gets it wrong, at the RN we are not afraid of threats of dissolution. »

READ ALSOMotion of censorship: LR in the trap of Marine Le Pen?

In the previous days, Marine Le Pen had however ruled out “a priori” this hypothesis, while most members of the Nupes had for their part ruled out voting for the RN motion. The two motions respond to Article 49.3 of the Constitution invoked by the Prime Minister to pass without a vote the revenue part of the finance bill for 2023.

Elisabeth Borne attacks Nupes and RN

Elisabeth Borne mocked Monday in the Assembly the motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN whose “only point of agreement” is “to want the failure of the government”, on a budget submitted to 49.3 “better than the one which had been filed”. The Prime Minister castigated, despite “major differences” between its authors, “sadly common arguments” to the two motions according to her.

That of Nupes “chains excesses and untruths”, as coming from an “alternative country: the one where Jean-Luc Mélenchon would have reached the second round of the presidential election, the one where he would have won”, quipped. the Prime Minister.

That of the RN “hides badly, behind the appearance of seriousness, simplism, excess and ideological fundamentals which have not changed for fifty years”. “You only have the word ‘Republic’ in your mouth, but nothing in your words has anything to do with the Republic! » she told Marine Le Pen. “I don’t imagine for a moment that you can govern together. Not for a moment, ”insisted Elisabeth Borne.

“The emergency is the alternation”

The adoption of a motion of censure would result in the rejection of this text, and at the same time bring down the government. But even with the support of the RN, the motion of the Nupes has almost no chance of being adopted, because the group Les Républicains has ruled out voting for it.

READ ALSOMotions of censure and 49.3: how Elisabeth Borne prepared

Marine Le Pen said she did not fear that a possible censorship of the government would be followed by a dissolution of the Assembly, a possibility mentioned by Emmanuel Macron. “I say it, so that no one even in high places misunderstands, at the RN we do not fear threats of dissolution,” she said. “In the face of so many failures, in the face of so many uncertainties, the urgency is alternation,” she added.

The leader of the RN deputies criticized the presidential camp for having ignored the “thirst for democratic renewal” expressed during the June legislative elections by the French, who “decided to place you under the control of Parliament”.

A first part and questions…

Like the Nupes, the RN also criticizes the government for having excluded from the first part of the budget amendments adopted by the Assembly before the activation of 49.3.

READ ALSOHow the motion of censure works in the National Assembly

With this weapon also activated for the revenue part of the Secu budget, “this mandate has barely begun has already taken on the appearance of the end of his reign”, launched Marine Le Pen.

She also castigated the launch of the pension reform project: “As if the situation was not flammable enough. “Has the painful precedent of the Yellow Vests taught you so little? she pretended to question.

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