Morandini case: one year suspended prison sentence required against the host of CNews

by time news

A dive into the lackluster private messaging services of Jean-Marc Morandini. This Monday afternoon, as part of the appearance of the host for aggravated minor corruption, the judges of the Paris Criminal Court read in detail his gritty discussions, punctuated with laughing smileys, with Romuald, Clément and Simon (names have been changed). The three young boys were minors when they came into contact with the CNews presenter.

The hearing was tense, as Jean-Marc Morandini was pushed to his limits. The prosecutor requested a one-year suspended prison sentence against the host specializing in miscellaneous facts. For more than five hours, the latter, face closed and voice higher than on the air, showed little compassion for the three young men. In turn, Jean-Marc Morandini defended himself by saying that he no longer remembered the facts, as he was solicited at the time, or that he thought that his interlocutors were adults.

VIDEO. Jean-Marc Morandini before the criminal court for “corruption of minors”

It was only at the very end of the hearing that he made his mea culpa. “When you reread the messages, I say to myself: But why did I get into this. By my fault, I locked myself in a system with the will to continue discussions endlessly. It was stupid. (…) I am very touched by their testimonies. I am sad and sorry that the consequences are these, “he explained, recognizing” three bullshit “. The president of the chamber reframed it, reminding him that it was “three offenses”.

“Regularly, he asked for a photo of my sex”

Simon was 15 in 2015 when he approached Jean-Marc Morandini. He is a “fan” and would like to visit the premises of Europe 1 radio. He is only in third grade but already dreams of working in the audiovisual sector. Soon enough, the conversation takes on a sexual character. The host questions him about his private parts and his practice of masturbation. In fifty days, the 57-year-old host asked the teenager for a naked photo 41 times. “I told him that I was playing football. He asked me if I watched the other boys in the shower. I found it strange, but I still answered no. (…) Regularly, he asked for a photo of my sex. I was saying : Not today. He came back to it every night, borderline unpleasant. “. Jokes, a kind of “cap or not cap”, swept Morandini. “When you ask him Are you shaved or not, is that also humor? asked the president. Morandini replied: “You may not, but it makes me laugh! »

Very moved at the helm, Simon was reinforced by the testimonies of the two other plaintiffs: Romuald and Clément. The first also witnessed 15 years of scabrous discussions via private messages on Twitter, then by SMS. Morandini defends himself by saying he immediately stopped talking to him when he found out his age. Over the course of their discussions, however, the kid slipped to be revising his history lessons on the Cold War with his mother.

“It’s not illegal, I believe”

As for Clément, 16, he was asked for a casting by a fake profile. He was invited to Morandini’s, where the star made him watch scenes from a film prohibited for children under 16, before asking him for naked photos, then a blowjob. “Does the upstream viewing of these scenes authorize you to ask the actors to masturbate in front of you? asked the president. “If they wanted to, they could do it. It’s not illegal, I believe,” he replied. “Between adults no”, launched the president of the tac au tac.

The presenter’s two lawyers pleaded for release, deploring not having all of the discussions but only extracts. Judgment was reserved for December 5.

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