The US in a threatening message to North Korea: “We will use our military capabilities”

by time news

US Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Shermantoday (Tuesday) sent a threatening message in the direction of North Korea and stated that “the US will use its full military capabilities, including nuclear, in order to protect its allies – Japan and South Korea.” This, against the background of its claim that the closed country is escalating the the tensions in the region through provocations.

Meanwhile, Sherman emphasized that “the repeated ballistic missile launches and the artillery fire in recent weeks constituted an aggressive and provocative military action.” Also, in a conversation she held about the deputy foreign minister of South Korea, Cho Hyung-Wedeng, said that “this is an irresponsible, dangerous and destabilizing act in the region.” South Korea’s vice foreign minister also raised concerns that the northern neighbor’s nuclear weapons policy increases the possibility of Pyongyang’s arbitrary use of nuclear weapons.

North Korea tested a ballistic missile (Photo: KCNA via REUTERS)

As you may recall, earlier this month, North Korea launched a ballistic missile towards the territory of Japan. The missile did not land in the country’s territory and apparently fell in the Pacific Ocean. During the launch, an emergency alert was activated in the country and the government called on residents in several areas to enter shelters. It should be noted that this is the first time since 2017 that North Korea has launched a missile at Japan.

In response to the launch, the United States announced that it “strongly condemns” North Korea’s move. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan consulted with Japanese officials about “possible responses” following the launch. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said after the launch that he “strongly condemns the barbaric actions” of North Korea, and called on other countries to “sternly condemn” the action.

South Korea’s National Security Council also condemned the launch, saying that provocations from the North can no longer be tolerated. “South Korea clearly states that the ongoing provocations of North Korea cannot be ignored and they will exact a price. We will seek various measures against North Korea, including the strengthening of sanctions within the international community, based on close cooperation with the US,” it said in a statement on its behalf.

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