Make boats slow down to silence the ocean

by time news
According to the report presented by Ifaw to the European Parliament, commercial ships should be limited to 75% of their design speed. Image’in –

A report presented to the European Parliament suggests limiting speed to preserve ecosystems.

Cars, scooters, trains, planes… We readily think of them when we talk about noise pollution. Rarer are those who think of boats. They are, however, the main responsible for another noise pollution of which man struggles to become aware, but which does indeed disturb the underwater ecosystems. The subject is increasingly taken into consideration by States and professionals in the maritime sector, but, due to the lack of binding regulations, there are still too few initiatives.

To fight against this noise pollution, the non-governmental organization Ifaw (International Fund for Animal Welfare) advocates the adoption of “blue speeds”, or blue speeds, limiting the speed of commercial ships to 75% of their speed Design. In addition to limiting noise, this would also have economic and climatic benefits, according to an analysis commissioned by Ifaw from the independent research firm CE Delft and presented this Tuesday before Parliament…

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