In the National Assembly, the shock wave of motions of censure

by time news

Has the left received the devil’s kiss? The day after the vote on the motion of censure sanctioning the finance bill, Monday, October 24, embarrassment invaded the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). The text aimed at overthrowing the government of Elisabeth Borne missed the absolute majority of 50 votes. But this acrobatics was done with the voices of the National Rally (RN). What destabilize the left alliance.

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Within the Nupes, only the elected representatives of La France insoumise (LFI) welcomed this political coup. “The right narrowly saves the government. It lacked 50 votes to eject the government. We are ready for the next generation”welcomed Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the wake of the vote. “There is a sword of Damocles above the head of the government”insisted the next day the president of the LFI group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot, pointing “a power that hangs by a thread”. An evil joy for the most moderate of the alliance. The socialist, environmentalist and communist deputies had only one idea in mind: to put the cumbersome vote of the RN at a distance, and to cut short the idea that the end justifies the means to beat Emmanuel Macron.

“In the DNA of the left, we do not mix with the RN. Pierre Dharréville, communist deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône

All returned the ball in the camp of Marine Le Pen, solely responsible in their eyes for her vote on the motion of censure of the left. “I am not in control of the votes of the RN. We never had any collusion with them.protests the deputy (Socialist Party, PS) Jérôme Guedj. “We will never build a majority with the National Rally and we will never vote for a motion of censure from the far right”added Boris Vallaud, leader of the PS group in the Assembly. “Nothing brings us together, nothing has ever brought us together with them. In the DNA of the left, we do not mix with the RN “denounced the Communist deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône Pierre Dharréville.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In the Assembly, the RN is betting on “freedom of action” to destabilize the left and the government

The story could have been quite different. About ten days ago, while the government was brandishing the threat of 49.3, a few Nupes deputies were debating the strategy to adopt. In private, Jérôme Guedj pleads for “a paragraph that hits the RN, or even the LR [Les Républicains] ». Display issue. The elected representative of Essonne does not want to show that “we flirt with the voices of the RN”. But LFI does not hear it that way. We must not exclude anyone, especially if there is a possibility of bringing down the government.

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