Punitive expedition to Roanne: the young man suspected of having sexually assaulted a girl will file a complaint

by time news

The public prosecutor of Roanne (Loire), Abdelkrim Grini, is not angry: “The father of the family should never have done justice to himself. “After the sexual assault of a 6-year-old girl in Roanne on the night of Thursday to last Friday, a 16-year-old young man, suspected of being the perpetrator, was beaten by the victim’s father and three of his friends the following night.

“While I can understand the father’s reaction, I don’t condone it. The violence was extremely serious. The young man was beaten up. They squared his head! gets carried away the prosecutor. Intercepted the night following the assault, near the family’s home, the teenager indeed received multiple kicks and punches all over his body, as well as in the face. Lying on the ground, he was then whipped with an electric cable.

“During the night from Friday to Saturday, around 2 a.m., they will intercept him, control him, take his picture. The father of the family will then show the photo to his companion who formally recognizes him, ”continues Abdelkrim Grini. A wave of violence ensued. So much so that, without the intervention of the police, the young man might have died. “Justice is not revenge. This is beyond comprehension”, denounces the public prosecutor of Roanne who has decided to open an investigation, concerning these violent acts, entrusted to the police of Roanne.

Guest of BFMTV in the evening, he insisted: if “everyone does justice to themselves”, “it is the door open to arbitrariness, to revenge”. According to him, we cannot speak here of self-defense, “we are more than 24 hours after the facts”. And to add: “The priority of the prosecution was above all to deal with the case of sexual assault on this 6-year-old girl”.

An unaccompanied minor recently arrived in France

At the origin of this punitive expedition, during the night of Thursday to last Friday, while she is giving the bottle to her baby, a mother is alerted by noises and the smell of perspiration emanating from the bedroom. next door where her 6-year-old daughter sleeps. She then starts to scream and sees an individual running away. It was the next evening, when the girl’s father was on neighborhood watch, that a 16-year-old young man was intercepted in the neighborhood with the help of friends, determined to catch the perpetrator. . And this is where things go wrong. Uncontrollably, the father jumps at the teenager’s throat.

Originally from Guinea, the latter arrived in Roanne two weeks ago and was placed in a structure for unaccompanied minors, located near the family home. “His career is being investigated,” said the public prosecutor of Roanne. The young man, who is accused of sexual assault on a minor under the age of 15, allegedly indulged in sexual touching of the 6-year-old girl.

“He was in the wrong place at the wrong time”

Indicted and placed in pre-trial detention in a prison in the Lyon region, he totally denies the facts, as his lawyer, Me Camille Thinon explains: “It was dark. My client says he was never in this house, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. “Suffering from multiple wounds and scars caused by the electric cable with which he was whipped, “he will file a complaint”, announces his lawyer. She eagerly awaits the results of the ongoing investigations. “The DNA expertise carried out will be essential in this case. »

Asked by BFMTV, the father of the family declared “no regrets” of the attack, although he describes himself as being “in a daze” at the time of the events. For its part, the French political class did not take long to react to this story, like Éric Ciotti (LR deputy) who declared “to understand the anger of the father of the family”. What the suspect’s lawyer denounces: “I am shocked that a deputy can say: such acts should not be condemned. »

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