Suspicions of favoritism: the mayor of Grenoble Éric Piolle released

by time news

The criminal court of Valence (Drôme) on Tuesday pronounced a general release in the case of favoritism of which the ecological mayor of Grenoble (Isère) was suspected for the award of a public contract by his city.

“General relaxation in the affair of the Fête des Tuiles. I would like to emphasize the quality of the adversarial debate during the trial. I have been in the service of justice since the beginning. I assume my role as mayor, head of an organization, but I remain a litigant like everyone else, ”tweeted Éric Piolle.

The deliberation was delivered without motivation at the hearing and the motivations will be given to the parties later, specified Éric Piolle’s lawyer, Me Thomas Fourrey.

The 49-year-old city councilor had appeared with six co-defendants at the end of September in Valence, where the case had been disoriented, for accusations of granting unjustified advantages for the benefit of the “Fusées” association responsible for organizing a popular festival in Grenoble in 2015 and 2016.

The prosecution had not requested a sentence

During the trial at the end of September, the Valence prosecutor’s office had spared the environmentalist mayor in its requisitions: “He is the head of administration, but a material element is missing, there is no certainty that he maneuvered, there is no concealment “, had estimated in his requisitions the public prosecutor Laurent de Caigny, without however explicitly claiming the release.

For the former director general of municipal services François Langlois and an employee, the prosecutor had also not requested a sentence, considering that they had acted “in good faith”.

He had, on the other hand, demanded fines with or without suspension for the four other defendants – two ex-territorial agents of Grenoble and two representatives of “Fusees” – for having committed or profited from a form of “office offence”.

After a report from the Regional Chamber of Accounts

The debates of September 26 and 27, quite technical, had largely focused on the nature of the performance of the cultural collective for the first two editions of the Fête des Tuiles, which at the time had not been the subject of an appeal. of offers. The municipal opposition, led by former mayor Alain Carignon, was a civil party.

In the context of this case, Éric Piolle had been heard in the premises of the judicial police in June 2021 under the regime of police custody, a few months then from the environmental primary for the last presidential election.

The procedure took place following a preliminary investigation launched in 2018 after a report to the Regional Chamber of Accounts (CRC). With regard to the commission of an artistic work, article 35 of the public procurement code provides for an exemption, but this is not the case for a contract for the organization of a cultural event.

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