The free word – the choice is made

by time news
  • The Forgotten Citizen

    TUE dr Klaus Woltron correctly describes in the supplement to Sunday’s “Krone” that the EU has simply forgotten the concerns of its citizens. Man…

  • Forgotten EU citizens

    The report by Dr. You can agree with Klaus Woltron 100 percent. So these ladies and gentlemen treat themselves to a salary increase of as much as …

  • Glue chaos wiped off

    Traffic jam in Vienna every Monday. Every Monday pure chaos triggered by sticky chaos blocking the streets. And now it has cracked. One …

  • time to think

    While children are making red-white-red flags, adults have little reason to be proud of the situation in our beautiful country at the moment. Before …

  • National Day Thoughts

    After the lost First World War, a small Austria emerged from the great Austrian Empire: “.le reste c’est l’Autriche”. …

  • For the national holiday

    There are so many scaremongers, prophets of doom, doomsayers. But people who make the future possible, who create the future, are good for us. Thank you…

  • thoughts on neutrality

    As we all know, our neutrality was declared on October 26, 1955. So that neutrality, which is almost sacred to the Austrian and …

  • national holiday

    When I was at school, we were locked in the schoolyard to sing the national anthem (without daughters’ sons) and hoist the Austrian flag…

  • Bloated affair

    I think you don’t necessarily have to be a Kurz fan to see the hyped affair about the salary increase of no less than 68 euros …

    Susanne Freigassner-Riederer
