Old age homes swelled by expatriate children – Author Rajesh Kumar Urukam

by time news

Every year the number of students and youths who go abroad for education and employment from India is increasing. In the last 50 years, many Indians have gone to work in countries like America, Canada, Britain, and Mediterranean countries.

Many of them go abroad as contract workers to escape the clutches of poverty. Others have different views on the politics and economy of a country. Middle-class Indians are attracted by foreign employment to improve their standard of living.

Thus, out of the 130 crore population of India, nearly one and a half crore people are living abroad. The migration of a citizen/citizen of one country to another country for livelihood is called ‘Migration’ in English. It is a periodic activity. About 10 percent of the world’s 7.75 billion citizens in 193 countries migrate from one country to another, mostly for money and other reasons.

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Many people from economically backward countries including Somalia, Mozambique, Sudan, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal go to Asian countries including India, Japan and South Korea for work. At the same time, some people who do not realize the resources of our country invade America, Britain, France and Germany.

In European countries such as Germany, France, Italy and other countries, the death rate of the elderly is increasing and the birth rate is low, so many graduates educated in Asian countries including India and South Korea are needed for the economic development of the country.

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Due to this, many private companies in the above countries are taking out contract workers from India every year. Considering this as a rare opportunity to improve their livelihood, Indians are also trying to get citizenship abroad after the end of their working period.

OK..! Is this a good thing? If only one and a half million Indians migrate abroad, the Indian economy will go to the bottom, they should understand one thing. If you work abroad for ten years, you can pay off your debts, build a house and save money for your children’s future.

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Later, many Indian middle class people plan to go abroad with the idea that they can live better with their wives and people while looking after their elderly mothers and fathers. But what is happening is different. They get a taste for money and spend many more years abroad.

Due to this, many elderly people are forcibly shifted to old age homes with all facilities. They are separated from their children and spend their last days with heavy heart. There are many such emotional things involved in this overseas migration.

Since famous crime novel writer and film script writer Rajesh Kumar recently shared with us an incident like this…

‘One morning I was walking on Marudamalai Road as usual. An elderly couple I knew was coming in front of me.

‘Happy Diwali sir’ I said, expecting them to say the same back to me.

‘What sir Happy Diwali..!’ A frustrated smile on his face.

‘You will always be excited..! What happened now?’ I said.

‘Sir..! A festival means having our children with us. Grandson, granddaughter should be with them. I have two sons and a daughter, you know. Even though I was a government employee, I took loans for the education of more than three. I sold a house. They are also well educated, married, working and currently living abroad.

When I asked when they would return to India after a few years, they said they would return in a few years after earning enough money abroad. It has been five years. Now they are trying to get permanent citizenship.

When asked about this, they said that if they get citizenship, they will get many facilities and privileges abroad. We have been chatting with them through video call from time to time. But could not get the joy of seeing them in person.

Now that we have passed the age of seventy, our bodies are gradually weakening. My wife can’t cook. You have to go to the doctor from time to time. Neither of us can travel alone. Nostalgia overwhelms us when we see the way other children look after their mothers and fathers in the hospital. Due to this, we are spending the rest of the time with pain in our hearts,’ he sighed, expressing his long-term frustration.

I can see with my own eyes the suffering of many parents who allowed their children to go abroad from our hometown Coimbatore. The sad thing is that in Vadavalli, where I live, huge old age homes like flats are being built exclusively for such parents.

I have never made the same mistake in my life as this couple I met. When both my sons were offered foreign jobs, I compulsively turned them down. I told them to live alone in any Indian city they want.

Similarly, today my children are living within a calling distance. During festivals like Diwali and Pongal, my wife and I can go to Chennai and spend time with my son, daughter-in-law and grandson. We will happily stroll with them for the whole day like cinema and shopping. They also come to Coimbatore from time to time. It gives us contentment in our old age.

So I say one thing to today’s children..! You go abroad. Earn. Bathe in dollar rain. I didn’t say no. But your recipients are waiting in India. For your love. For affection. For a smile. Do you not dearly love those who raised you in their laps and bosoms? Think again. You should take this as a Diwali thought, young people..!’

Thus ended Rajeshkumar with his advice to today’s trendy youth..!

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