Quiquoi’s crazy Halloween – Liberation

by time news

Each week, “Liberation” reviews the news of children’s books. Today, a comic strip filled with pumpkins in which a group of friends embark on baroque adventures.

For Halloween, the small band of Quiquoi is found. Pétole is disguised as a witch, Boulard as a ghost, Mixo as a leek because there were no more pumpkins in the store, Raoul made himself a mask out of a slice of ham because that’s all he found in his fridge. As for the candy harvest, it’s not terrible. So bad that, for lack of treats, Pamela was offered a ping-pong table. Therefore, how to ensure a provided collection? By going to Ireland, homeland of Halloween, of course!

Except no. As soon as the balloon-pumpkin journey has begun, the machine gets caught in a tree, the fault of this huge ping-pong table which Pamela refuses to part with. No big deal, to get in the mood, Olive grows pumpkins by drawing seeds and a watering can. A huge plant emerges from the ground, well furnished. But now a green monster, not at all disguised, appears, ready to devour Raoul’s ham mask and kidnap Mixo in order to make a leek soup for his boss, a red-haired boy whose teeth are almost all down from too much candy, but who loves triangle sandwiches.

We walk on the head ? A little. And that’s what’s great about the Quiquois and the true history of Halloween (roughly). It goes in all directions while being perfectly coherent in the madness. The group of friends, a mixture of humans and animals, connects scenes and exchanges a bit surreal without finding fault, in a tongue-in-cheek atmosphere. The good news ? There are seven other adventures, in comics, of the Quiquois.

The Quiquois and the True History of Halloween (Roughly) by Laurent Rivelaygue, illustrated by Olivier Tallec (Actes Sud Junior), 32 pp., €12.80. From 6 years old.

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