IV Drip VS Taking Vitamins how different

by time news

Many people may be wondering whether during normal vitamin intake. And doing the procedure “IV Drip” gives the same results. Or are there any differences in other areas? Today, Romrawin Clinic will answer these questions by Dr. Thirada Chittakan (Dr. Prae).

Taking Vitamins VS Doing IV Drip
Nowadays, vitamin intake is more widely used for health care. but eating it The body can absorb only 20-25%. It takes time to see the obvious results. In modern medicine, there is another method that we call “IV Drip”, sure enough.

What is IV Drip?
IV Drip or Intravenous Drip is the infusion of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants through a vein. which the efficiency of intravenous nutrition means We get 100% of the nutrients without going through digestion. It is different from eating by drinking or eating as a tablet, which IV Drip will have a variety of formulas. Solve many problems since the skin Metabolism to internal health

Choose to do IV Drip that suits you.

  • IV Drip, a formula to restore skin that is sensitive to the sun.
    Contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. to help restore cells from within It also helps reduce free radicals that affect us every day. Suitable for those who live a heavy life and want to repair cells. and want to have better, clearer skin along with detox or eliminating poison These nutrients will help the liver in detoxification. resulting in better health both external skin and inner body
  • IV Drip strengthens the immune system. reduce allergy
    Contains amino acid nutrients and various vitamins and minerals to help repair and rejuvenate cells Stimulate the immune system to make the body stronger. ready to come across foreign objects or even germs for the body to be able to resist better This group is suitable for people with chronic allergies. have exhaustion including those who want to travel abroad want to prevent various infections
  • IV Drip helps your metabolism improve.
    contains amino acids and various vitamins and minerals That helps to enhance the efficiency of exercise, metabolism, including better sugar metabolism. Can lower blood sugar levels as well. Suitable for those who want to repair the body in the group who wants to build a stronger body. And most importantly, it is also suitable for people who want to burn their own energy. and want to lose weight

In pregnant women, lactating women, as well as those who are allergic to certain drugs or food additives. along with having a congenital disease Should inform the doctor before entering the service. And most importantly, however, should consult a doctor first. So that the doctor can help determine which type of IV Drip the patient is suitable for for maximum efficiency and safety as well.

How are you with the good stories that we bring to you? Anyone who is interested in making “IV Drip” vitamins can consult an experienced doctor at Romrawin Clinic. Come here. All problems are completed in one place or inquire about various programs. at www.romrawinclinic.com or call 080-1539000, 080-1549000 or [email protected] : @Romrawinclinic

Source: Romrawin Clinic

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