Naor Zion created a shocking comedy video. So we turned it into a drinking game

by time news

Maybe you missed it, maybe you pushed it away and maybe you were just lucky enough to be blinded in time – but Naor Zion has arrived on YouTube, and with exclusive sketches. One of the last of them, with the dramatic name “Street of Your Heart”, is probably the most amazing piece of photography we’ve seen since the Lumière brothers’ train, and we mean amazing in the sense of amazing. The video stars the actor Amir Zard (“Sons of Or”) and the comedian with the geek brand Uri Breuer, while Naor Zion is responsible for the script, direction, camera operation, lighting, make-up, CGI, PR and water girl.

Since this is an extremely important cinematic work, we thought it would be desirable to help you, the potential viewers, survive the longest eight minutes of your life with a game that will provide you with the only way to enjoy it – with alcohol. And a lot of it. I mean, seriously – full. In an amount that no human being can or should consume. Don’t play this game, it will kill you and then you will be that person who died because of a Naor Zion video and it’s embarrassing. lets start.


  • 7:50 free minutes (it is advisable to leave the evening after as well, because you are going to get drunk really fast)
  • Sip drink (beer/cocktail)
  • Chasers (an alcoholic drink of your choice. Preferably light, because there will still be a lot)

lets start!

Take a small sip of the drink:
– Every time the phrase “the street of your heart” is said
– Every time the camera is a little too close to the subject
– Every time someone says a sentence that no person in human history would say in real life
– Whenever the game is unreliable

Take two small sips of the drink:
– Every time one of the actors reads a script line that insults their appearance
– Whenever there’s something that’s suspiciously racist somehow but you’re not quite sure how
– Every time you feel like you’ve been sent back to the nineties
– every time it gets too long even though it hasn’t been that long

It’s not over yet. “Livbach Street”. Screenshot: YouTube

Drink a chaser:
– Every time there is a cliché of a girl walking in slow motion
– Every time you detect an editing error
– Once Uri Breuer clearly started to burn from the sun of the sea
– once you get to that horrible masturbation joke

Finish the drink to the end:
– As soon as you find Uri Breuer’s English error
– As soon as you find the naked woman in the background that is not related to anything

Anyone who knows details about who the naked woman is and why the hell is she there, please contact the system.  Screenshot

Anyone who knows details about who the naked woman is and why the hell is she there, please contact the system. Screenshot

Finish the bottle from which you poured the chasers:
– As soon as it’s over and it feels like ‘what exactly was the punch here?’

Drink bleach:
– If you also survived the post-credits scene, and now you understand what’s going on, but all you want is for sweet death to redeem you from your misery, please take me, God.

Enjoy and drink responsibly!
Oh yeah, and don’t drink bleach either.

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