Apple confirms (finally) that iPhones will switch to USB-C charging in Europe at least

by time news

And in the end, Apple had no choice but to accept the single charger principle. Asked by the Wall Street Journal about the European Union’s adoption of the USB-C single charger, Greg Joswiak, Apple’s vice president in charge of marketing, first justified why the brand had so far refused to switch to this standard which appeared in 2014. He pointed out that billions of iPhone users already had a Lightning cable and that replacing it would generate significant electronic waste.

Then the talk met commercial reality. “We will have to comply with this decision, we have no choice but to respect local legislation as we do everywhere in the world”, conceded, with a touch of bitterness, Greg Joswiak, the vice -president of Apple in charge of marketing. “But we think it would have been better for our clients and for us if a government weren’t so prescriptive,” he said.

As for the calendar, the leader of the Cupertino company kicked in touch: “It is the leaders of the European Union who dictate the timing for European consumers. I’m not going to predict the future. »

The movement is already well underway on some of its devices such as the iPad Pro and the latest version of the iPad announced last week. The Apple brand will gradually say “goodbye” to a financial windfall from the Lightning cable licenses paid by accessory manufacturers. But with an iPhone renewal cycle longer than the competition, this annuity still has good years ahead of it.

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