NFT: the first collection of historic Parisian headlines goes on sale this Wednesday

by time news

From the end of the Second World War to the victory of the Blues in 1998, passing through the coronation of Elizabeth II, the disappearance of Johnny Hallyday or the fire of Notre-Dame… Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui-en-France offers for sale 1000 unique NFTs created from 100 historical front pages selected by the editorial staff for their historical weight.

These pieces of history are aimed as much at our readers as at collectors of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These digital goods have the function of certificate of ownership of a virtual work. Their registration on a blockchain guarantees their traceability and establishes trust for the owner, especially in the event of resale.

Several sales phases

The “mint”, the manufacturing on the Ethereum blockchain, will take place during a private sale this Wednesday at 4 p.m. for those registered on the waiting list (or “white list”), now closed. These active members of the community will be able to obtain their “crypto-one” at the preferential price of 160 euros. The sale will be open to the public on Thursday at the same time, with a price fixed at 199 euros on the principle of first come, first served until exhaustion. These 1000 NFTs will be sold on a dedicated site and it will be possible to acquire them by paying by credit card or in Ethereum cryptocurrency. In any case, you will need a MetaMask wallet (a digital wallet) to store your precious first page.

As is very often the case when launching a collection, the front pages will be distributed at random and a big “reveal”, an unboxing, will take place in a few days. He will attribute the scarcity of NFTs, which are in fact real digital sesames. A “Common” crypto-one unlocks a one-year digital subscription to our newspaper, an 18-month subscription for a “rare” NFT, and a “Unique” offers two years of subscription. The activation of these subscriptions will take place as soon as they arrive in your digital wallet which will serve as your account. An ideal way to follow the news of the fascinating ecosystem of Web3, the next stage of the Internet.

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