Pope Admits: Priests and Nuns Watch Porn | News

by time news

It started out as a harmless question – which the Pope used as a warning and a confession.

Can the believers use the technologies of the modern world? Like a cell phone? “You have to use them, you just have to use them for that, as a help, to get by, to communicate. That’s fine,” replies Francis (85).

Then adding something unexpected: “There’s another thing you know well: digital pornography. I will speak it out,” he said, warning: “This is a sin imposed on many people, lay people, priests and religious sisters,” the Catholic Church leader said during a meeting with seminarians and priests in Rome on Wednesday.

“That’s how the devil enters,” the Argentine continued to warn. Pope Francis stressed that he was not only talking about “criminal pornography”, such as that involving child abuse, but also about “relatively normal pornography”.

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Source: BILD / Instagram@lanarhoades


“The pure heart that receives Jesus every day must not receive this pornographic information. This is the need of the hour today. And if you can delete that from your phone, then delete it. I tell you, this is a thing that weakens the spirit.”

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