“Too many alien questions about women’s bodies”. A book against false myths

by time news

Is it true that your breasts will grow more if you massage them daily? Can i take a bath when i have my period? Can I still get pregnant if I don’t orgasm? It is the “‘alien’ questions” about the female body that convinced the gynecologist Monica Calcagni to publish a book that talks about “women’s things”, but it is addressed to her and to him too. Because men also need to know. The expert, very active on social networks from Instagram to TikTok, aims to clarify the doubts instilled by the disinformation circulating online and beyond, she explains.

A lot has been written and said about pink health. And the objection may be that there are no longer any false myths or misconceptions. Instead, Calcagni assures us, it is exactly the opposite. False beliefs persist even today, in an era in which children live immersed in a ‘soup’ of information at their fingertips 24 hours a day. The gynecologist says that every day, on social media and in her office, she finds herself answering incredibly imaginative questions. The book you wrote for Sperling & Kupfer is intended as a manual to learn about your body and fight all taboos on women’s health. Competence, patience and even a thread of irony are the weapons chosen by the gynecologist to accompany female readers on a path that goes from menstruation to fertility, from fertilization to childbirth and from puberty to sexually transmitted diseases. You then come to touch on issues that the specialist herself defines as “thorny”, such as abortion and the law 194.

“I am the gynecologist who follows the pregnancies, but also the woman who has personally experienced many of the experiences of the patients I assist”, writes Calcagni, who lives in Rome with her husband and children, is a surgeon specializing in Gynecology and obstetrics and also works as a general practitioner. “I want to make it clear that doctors, in addition to being the repositories of science, are also human beings capable of giving personal advice, precisely because they have gone through, in their life and not only in their careers, some critical steps that you are going through” , is the message. ‘Cose da donne’ is his first book.

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