Faced with a new 49.3, the RN responds with a motion of censure, just like LFI, alone on the left

by time news

To the new 49.3 drawn by Elisabeth Borne on the budget of the “Safety”, the deputies of the National Rally (RN) responded Thursday, October 27 by filing a motion of censure, as did the elected representatives of La France insoumise (LFI) , this time alone on the left.

Marine Le Pen’s group made the suspense last all day before opting for such a motion. “The combination of social, economic and energy crises requires us to urgently change our social policy for greater justice”, proclaims its text sent to the press. The 89 far-right elected officials also deplore that “the government does not[ait] no will to find compromise measures with the oppositions” and that he “refuses to allow a large number of subjects to be debated”.

On the left, the LFI group was determined on Thursday morning. “We are going to do it, at least on the “Rebellious” side, because we must not trivialize the 49.3”, explained Eric Coquerel. Then the leader of the “Insoumis” deputies, Mathilde Panot, confirmed this deposit “Faced with an irresponsible and minority government that knows only the passage in force”.

Deprived of an absolute majority, the tenant of Matignon activated Wednesday evening, for the third time in a week, the constitutional weapon of 49.3 which allows a text of law to be passed without a vote, except adoption of a motion of censure. In response to the first two, on the receipts of the State budget and that of the Social Security, the Nupes alliance had tabled two motions.

Read also: “Activated at the right time, 49.3 helps preserve the effectiveness of our democracy”

The key vote?

But even before the vote, and with a budget marathon that could go to a total of ten 49.3 by mid-December, their differences in strategy were heard: LFI is in favor of systematic deposits, the rest of the Nupes ( socialists, communists, ecologists) much less.

“We continue to be ulcerated by the practice of 49.3 and all the budgetary work [de l’exécutif] will deserve new motions. However, we believe that it is not the right choice to trivialize motions of censure”, Communist Pierre Dharréville told Agence France-Presse (AFP). His group would have “preferred to achieve a shared strategy” left but “respect” LFI’s decision and says to himself “willing to vote on the motion”. The Socialists have not yet taken a position. And environmentalists haven’t discussed it yet.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In the National Assembly, the shock wave of motions of censure

“Should we say again that we do not agree, when the message has passed, it is not necessarily obvious”according to PS deputy Arthur Delaporte about the tabling of a motion. “There are differences of appreciation within the Nupes but no drama”insists one of the actors on the left.

The RN and LFI ensure that they do not form an alliance

The surprise rallying, on Monday, of the voices of the RN to one of the Nupes motions – “a punch in the stomach”, for the boss of the PS deputies, Boris Vallaud – caused unease in the ranks and an avalanche of attacks from the presidential camp. Emmanuel Macron castigated Wednesday evening “cynicism” et ” the disorder “ oppositions, accusing the left of having put ” together “ with the National Rally.

“There is no alliance, there will be none”retorted Thursday evening on France 2 Jean-Luc Mélenchon, after the deputy RN Jean-Philippe Tanguy had already challenged any “negotiation, neither formal nor informal with the left”during a press conference.

For a motion to pass, “the RN and the LRs must vote for it”recalls an LFI deputy. “But if we do it every time and we’re the only ones [à gauche] to vote for it is a problem. We do not want to feed a narrative of division. » “Next time, the lesson is that we will make a motion of censure which will be invotable by the RN”called the environmental MEP Yannick Jadot on Thursday.

The LFI text sent to AFP quotes the communist Ambroise Croizat, one of the founding fathers of Social Security, and denounces “a new austerity cure” with this budget.

The motions are expected to be debated on Monday. However, they have almost no chance of overthrowing the government. The Social Security 2023 draft budget will be considered adopted at first reading, and will pass to the Senate.

Read also: What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s interview on France 2: pension reform, criticism of Nupes and RN, fight against inflation

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