Morocco participates in the discovery of the most powerful space flash ever

by time news

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The Moroccan astronomical observatory “Oukaimeden” was able to participate in observing the brightest flash of light ever.

The observatory of the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakesh discovered the flash, which bears the name “Rayons Gamma”, after it was emitted at a distance of 2.4 billion light years from Earth, and it is likely that it resulted from the birth of a black hole.

Rayons Ama is the strongest flash ever recorded, and the most intense form of electromagnetic radiation, and many professional and amateur telescopes participated in its monitoring this October, including the Moroccan “Oukaimeden” telescopes.

The residual flickering light is still being studied by scientists around the world, and the search continues to find out more details about this phenomenon.

Scientists believe that these explosions are caused by the death of giant stars, thirty times the size of the sun.

The exploding star turns into a supernova, before collapsing on itself and forming a black hole, then the material forms a disk around the black hole, and it is absorbed and released there in the form of energy that travels at a speed equal to 99.99% of the speed of light.


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