European Union: final agreement for the end of thermal cars in 2035

by time news

The thermal car will really be over in 2035. MEPs and the Member States of the European Union reached an agreement on Thursday evening on European legislation which provides for the end of the sale of new thermal engine vehicles by 2035 , announced the negotiators.

“We have just finished negotiations on CO2 standards for cars. Historic EU climate decision that definitively confirms the target of 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2035 with intermediate milestones in 2025 and 2030,” tweeted French MEP Pascal Canfin, chair of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee. .

Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the EU’s “Green Deal”, Frans Timmermans, welcomed an agreement which “sends a strong signal to industry and consumers: Europe is turning the corner emission-free mobility”

This agreement confirms the objective of reducing CO2 emissions by 2030 of -55% for new cars and -50% for new vans, compared to 2021. “This agreement paves the way for a modern and competitive automotive industry in the EU”, welcomed the Czech Minister of Industry, Jozef Sikela, whose country holds the six-monthly presidency of the Council of the EU, considering that “the deadlines envisaged made the objectives achievable for the manufacturers”.

A principle approved in June

The Ministers of the Twenty-Seven had approved in June, in the wake of the European Parliament, the European Commission’s project to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars in Europe to zero from 2035. This is equivalent to stopping de facto sales of new petrol and diesel cars and light commercial vehicles in the EU on that date, as well as hybrids (petrol-electric), in favor of 100% electric vehicles.

While the car, the main mode of transport for Europeans, represents just under 15% of total CO2 emissions in the EU, the new regulations must contribute to achieving the continent’s climate objectives, in particular carbon neutrality in the EU. horizon 2050.

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