Motion of censorship: Mélenchon calls on LR to no longer play the government’s “spare wheels”

by time news

For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, there is only one way out: to return to the polls. Since the second round of the legislative elections, he has constantly denounced the absence of an absolute majority in the National Assembly, and brought a lawsuit on the legitimacy of the current government. So when Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne drew Article 49.3 of the Constitution for the third time, to get the Social Security budget voted, the rebellious deputies immediately decided to retaliate by announcing the tabling of a new motion of censure. .

If the balance of power does not change in the hemicycle, it is certain that this motion will have no chance of shaking the government. In reality, everything will rest on the shoulders of the deputies, the only ones able to turn the tide and potentially bring down the government.

Invited this Thursday evening on the set of the 20 hours of France 2, Mélenchon still says to believe in a seesaw. At least, he clearly puts pressure on the right-wing elected officials so that they do not formally mark their opposition to the policy of the executive, by voting in turn for the rebellious motion. “It may happen that the Republicans are tired of spare wheeling the majority,” he explained. “We hope, yes, to bring down his government! We hope to become the majority,” he adds. Before insisting: “The lesson is this: we are ready to govern the country, we the Nupes. »

When Mélenchon talks to Retailleau

In a post published Wednesday evening on his blog, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had directly challenged the boss of the senators LR Bruno Retailleau by inviting him to “Get momentum”, by in turn filing a motion of censure in the Upper House, and this in order to open the vote to “other oppositions”.

Monday evening, a motion of censure of the Nupes had collected 239 signatures, while 289 are necessary to bring down the executive. This result was obtained after Marine Le Pen announced the decision taken by her group to vote for the Nupes motion. A decision widely commented on by the political class, the majority accusing the left of having made a pact with the devil of the far right. Invited to France 2 on Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron even flew into a rage, denouncing the conclusion of an alliance between the two camps, far according to him from the aspirations of socialist or environmental voters who voted for the Nupes candidates in the legislative elections. .

In response, Jean-Luc Mélenchon deplores the attacks made by Emmanuel Macron or Gérald Darmanin, who have taken up accusations that the Nupes has removed references to immigration from its motion in order to obtain the vote of elected officials. RN. A statement disputed by many left-wing officials, while our colleagues from franceinfo and Humanity claim to have been able to consult the working documents of the motion, proving that no mention of immigration was ever considered.

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