Aviv Gefen and Shani Friedan separate? Mobil arrived at their shared house

by time news

Do you remember that Liora told you exclusively that the relationship between Aviv Gefen and Shani Friedan, if their two children, boarded the Titanic? So this week, quietly, movers arrived at the shared house in the Tzahala neighborhood in Tel Aviv and loaded the contents, which were unloaded at Friedan’s new apartment in Ramat Hay’il.

Geffen and Friedan refused to comment.

Aviv Gefen, Shani Friedan (Photo: Or Gefen)

> As time flies: for the actress and writer Robi Porat Shuval A grandson was born, a descendant of her daughter Nadav and his wife decoration. His name in Israel and New York: A person.

Ruby, congratulations. Have you visited it yet?
“Only next week will I be able to fly to see my American prince. Even the birth of a grandchild does not postpone performances.”

Port Shuval rifles (Photo: Yaniv Edri, Israel Defense Forces)Port Shuval rifles (Photo: Yaniv Edri, Israel Defense Forces)

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> Murray Millerthe son of the most beautiful duo to hang around here in the 90s, Lior Miller andYael Abkasisreturned to Israel after several years of settling in Berlin.

> Dan Shilon The legendary celebrated 82 winters this week.

Dan Shilon (Photo: Yonatan Shaul)Dan Shilon (Photo: Yonatan Shaul)

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