The stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic modified the menstrual cycle

by time news

Women with a high level of related stress during the Covid-19 pandemic were twice as likely to experience changes in their menstrual cycle compared to those with a low level of stress, according to new research from the University of Pittsburgh published today. In “Obstetrics & Gynecology.”

Overall, more than half of the study participants reported changes in menstrual cycle length, period length, menstrual flow, or increased spotting, irregularities that could have health and economic consequences for women. researchers say.

Early in the pandemic, conversations with friends and other women brought up the idea that “since the pandemic, my periods have been a little weird,” says the lead author, Martina Anto-Ocrah, from the Pitt School of Medicine (USA). “Stress can manifest in women’s bodies as changes in menstrual function, and we know the pandemic has been an incredibly stressful time for many people.”

Anto-Ocrah and her team developed a two-part survey that included a validated Covid-19 stress scale and self-reported menstrual cycle changes between March 2020 and May 2021. To reach a diverse population that was representative of the US. In the US, the researchers worked with a market research company to recruit a geographically and racially representative group of participants to complete the online survey. They limited the sample to people between the ages of 18 and 45 who identified as female and were not taking hormonal contraceptives.

Of the 354 women who completed both parts of the survey, 10.5% reported having a high level of stress.

After accounting for age, obesity and other characteristics, the researchers found that women with a high level of Covid-19 stress were more likely to report changes in menstrual cycle length, period length and spotting. than their low-stress peers. There was also a trend for heavier menstrual flow in the high-stress group, although this result was not statistically significant.

Stress can manifest in women’s bodies as changes in menstrual function

Martina Anto-Ocrah

Pitt University

“During the pandemic, the role of women was redefined and, as a society, we took a step backwards in terms of gender equality,” explains Anto-Ocrah. “Women used to carry the burden of childcare and household chores, and the changes in daily activities and the risk of Covid-19 infection were more stressful for them than men.”

About 12% of the participants reported changes in all four characteristics of the menstrual cycle, a finding the researchers called alarming.

«The menstrual cycle is an indicator of the general well-being of women», says Anto-Ocrah. “Menstrual cycle disturbances and fluctuating hormones can affect fertility, mental health, cardiovascular disease and other outcomes. Ultimately, these factors can also influence the dynamics of relationships, potentially exacerbating relationship strain.”

“We know that the pandemic has had a negative economic impact on many people,” says Anto-Ocrah. “If changes in flow during a time of economic hardship increase period-related costs—or the ‘tampon tax’—economically, it’s a double whammy.”

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