Fundación Telefónica connects people with the new employability

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Fundación Telefónica connects people with the new employability

The rapid implementation of digitization in recent years has made knowledge of new technologies essential in all sectors and in all professional categories.

Mastering digital skills is essential to access any job. And it is that the new professions are transforming the labor ecosystem giving birth to new professional profiles that, until a few years ago, were not even glimpsed.

With the aim of not leaving anyone behind, Fundación Telefónica works to provide society with these skills and bring them closer to the new employability. For this reason, it promotes, develops and teaches digital training programs on the new profiles demanded by the labor market, reducing the educational gap and access to the new opportunities offered by digitization. Thus, in 2021 more than 1.2 million people, in the 10 countries in which it is present, benefited from these programs and in 2022 it continues to underpin this commitment by expanding with new content and themes.

42 Barcelona.

Connect Employment, transversal digital skills to all sectors

The digital training program, Connect Employment, offers more than 20 tutored courses and self-study so that anyone can train and become a web developer, cybersecurity expert, digital marketing or data architect.

Likewise, Professionals 4.0, promoted with the support of CEOE, promotes, through transversal knowledge and specific skills, the digitization of key productive sectors in our country. The seventh edition of the Construction Nanograde 4.0 is currently being developed with the support of the Construction Labor Foundation, with which its workers are provided with digital skills; the Nanogrado de Transporte 4.0, together with ASTIC and CONFEBUS and, recently launched, in the Nanogrado Hortofrutícola 4.0, in collaboration with CEOE and FEPEX, the application of new technologies in this sector is promoted.

42 Madrid.

A bridge to the jobs of the future in one of the best programming campuses in the world

Belonging to an international network in 26 countries with more than 15,000 students and considered one of the most innovative universities in the world by the TOP 10 world universities of the WURI rankingFundación Telefónica has promoted Campus 42 in Spain with the aim of offering job opportunities in technologies such as cybersecurity, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain or IoT, among others.

Its percentage of employability is 100% and this is thanks to its close contact with the most innovative technology companies and its learning method. Based on peer learning, gamification and self-learning, 42’s methodology pushes students from day one to understand the world of programming from experience. It currently has 2,000 students spread across its campuses Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga and Urduliz and the only requirement to enter is to be of legal age. It is open to any profile: from young people who want to commit to innovative training or people who want to make a 180º turn in their professional career.

It is a campus without barriers, open 24/7, without teachers, without books and without classrooms, where the reality of each day during their learning will make them acquire, in addition to the “hard skills” of programming, “soft skills”, increasingly necessary in a world as changing as the one we are living in now.

42 Málaga.

Career orientation adapted to the needs of each person

Fundación Telefónica forms part of Telefónica’s global Digital Talent and Innovation Hub, which aspires to become a center for attracting cutting-edge technology and highly qualified professionals. To do this, in addition to the different training programs described, it offers two free interactive tools for those who do not know what to study or what digital skills to acquire to improve their professional projection.

Based on the AI Virtual Professional Advisor of Fundación Telefónica offers, through its conversational interface, the digital careers that best adapt to the type of consulting profile, including the entity’s training programs. And, through Big Data, the Employment Map of the entity monitors and analyzes at all times the most demanded digital professions and skills in our country, showing them by province, which allows the user to visualize labor market trends.

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