Camaïeu: giant auctions on Wednesday to liquidate the brand’s stocks

by time news

The contents of over 500 stores for sale. After the closure of the stores of the Camaïeu brand, placed in compulsory liquidation, the remaining stocks of the brand are sold this Wednesday, November 2 at auction in Vendeville (Nord), near Lille. In total, 2 million pieces, for a total value estimated at 51.6 million euros by the Mercier auction house.

This sale comes a few days after the announcement by Camaïeu’s legal representatives of the social plan that will be implemented. Among other things, it provides for a bonus of 6,000 euros for each of the 2,100 employees made redundant. The social and economic committee meeting on Monday took note of the proposed measures, amounting to around 20 million euros, according to the internal union Upae.

Clothes never marketed

Three types of stocks are auctioned: those of the 509 stores of the brand, those of the warehouses located in Roubaix, and the new collection for winter 2023, never marketed. The different lots are notably composed of sets of jackets and coats, or the entire stock of several stores.

The stores’ stocks represent the major part of the sale, since they are composed in total of 1.2 million pieces with a value of approximately 34 million euros. The pieces of the new winter 2023 collection are 276,200 in number, and estimated at 3.6 million euros. “This is the flagship lot, the most requested” recognizes Bruno Decock, from the Mercier auction house.

Be careful, it will probably be difficult to participate if you are an individual even if the auctions are public: a deposit of 50,000 euros must be paid to access the sale. The buyers will probably be professionals or destocking brands, in any case “big players in the sector”, underlines Bruno Decock. The lucky buyers will then have to pay and collect the goods before November 14, specifies the auction house.

Other auctions linked to the liquidation of the Camaïeu brand must take place “by the end of the year”, in particular to sell the “operating equipment” of the premises, namely the offices and the furnishing.

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