Cardinal Bo: Asian bishops follow the path of three-way dialogue

by time news

As the bishops of Asia approach the final days of their first general conference, Cardinal Charles Bo expressed his hope that the Church in Asia will be in harmony with the poor, other religions and the surrounding culture.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

The Joint Association of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) is currently holding its first General Assembly to mark the 50th anniversary of its establishment.

The conference, which started on October 12, will conclude on Sunday, October 30. At the conclusion of the conference, the bishops’ committee will issue a document.

Cardinal Charles Bow, Bishop of Yangon Archdiocese and President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), answered the question “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Churches in Asia” asked by Pope Francis in a video message at the opening of this conference in an interview with Vatican News.

Asia – the blessed continent

The Cardinal said that during these two and a half weeks of the conference, they are experiencing the Holy Spirit really leading and guiding them.

The Cardinal shared that they are greatly strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit and especially the fraternity experienced there. Cardinal Bo called Asia the “blessed continent” and described it as “the cradle of all religions”.

Declaring that we have received a blessing from the “soil of Asia,” the cardinal also referred to the diverse cultures there. He revealed that the Bishops of Asia were all very happy to be there together.

“Asia has many challenges,” Cardinal Bo noted, citing militarization and nuclearization among them. He also explained that Asia produces the most poor people.

Peace Building: New Evangelization

The Cardinal underlined that although Asia is a blessed continent, it is very challenging, especially for building peace. Therefore, he foresees the vision of the Holy Spirit leading Asia to build peace. He said that peace building, dialogue or reconciliation is a new term for the new evangelization.

“The step of the Holy Spirit leading all of Asia is challenging and dangerous,” the cardinal said.

He said that the Holy Spirit is leading them to peace and reconciliation and that they are not forgetting the past.

Recalling that the founding fathers of this FABC have already marked the path they should tread, Cardinal Bo pointed out that it is a three-pronged dialogue or three-pronged amity. They were explained as unity with the poor, unity with religions and unity with culture. To these we must now add environmental friendliness, the Cardinal added.

Through those four dialogues, the Church in Asia can establish peace here. As this is the duty of all Asians, the Holy Spirit will guide all Asian peoples, not only the bishops, but the whole Church, every baptized person, on the path of establishing peace in their country.

This is very challenging because after 2,000 years Christians are still only 2%. Although they are a minority, they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, he clarified.

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