Chinese father who ate his daughter alive after being bitten by a crab: suffering from parasites

by time news

Lu, a 39-year-old father, ate a crab alive to avenge his daughter’s bite.

At least more than three parasites were detected in the blood.

A father in China who ate a crab alive to avenge his daughter’s bite has been hospitalized after contracting a deadly disease.

Lu, a 39-year-old father in East China’s Zhejiang Province, ate his daughter whole alive in retaliation for a crab that bit her.

Two months after the incident, Lu developed severe back pain and was hospitalized.

Lu’s medical examination revealed that he had a pathological infection in his chest, stomach, liver and digestive tract, but the doctors could not clearly identify the cause, and the doctors questioned whether Lu was doing any unusual things.

But Lu repeatedly replied that nothing like that had happened, and finally Lu’s wife was the one to tell the doctors about the incident of eating the crab alive, and Lu also admitted it, according to Dr. Gao Qian, director of the digestive system department at the hospital, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

Crab that bit his daughter...revenge by eating her alive: Parasites cause suffering |  Man In China Eats Live Crab As Revenge In ZhejiangPhoto:

When the doctors asked Lu why he ate the crab alive, he said that it had bitten his daughter and he ate it alive to take revenge.

Doctors sent his blood for testing and found at least three more parasites in his blood.

Following the continuous treatment given to Lu, he was discharged from the hospital, although he has been advised to visit for regular check-ups.

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According to The Telegraph, eating crab is common throughout China. Although the crustacean is mostly eaten cooked, it is served raw in some regions, especially in eastern China.

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