“Towards the reintegration of unvaccinated health personnel” – time.news

by time news

The Minister of Health: “It is considered appropriate to start a gradual return to normality”

The Covid progress bulletin becomes weekly. She established it the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci
. “Six months after the suspension of the state of emergency and in consideration of the progress of the infection from Covid-19, considers it appropriate to initiate a gradual return to normality in activities and in their conduct, inspired by criteria of responsibility and respect for the norms in force ”, reads a note from the ministry.

Also based on the prevailing indications in the medical and scientific fields, “the daily publication of the bulletin will be suspended of the data relating to the spread of the epidemic, hospitalizations and deaths, which will now be made known on a weekly basis, without prejudice to the possibility for the competent authorities to acquire at any time the information necessary to control the situation and take measures of the case”.

A decision that will cause discussion and which is added to another provision being defined by the new health minister Schillaci. The ministry is working on a measure for the reintegration into service of health personnel subject to suspension proceedings for non-compliance with the vaccination obligationbefore the expiry date of the suspension.

October 28, 2022 (change October 28, 2022 | 11:46)

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