Words, only words … among us prof

by time news

NoonOctober 26, 2022 – 08:43

from Riccardo Vigilante

And always these headphones! Always this rap! I don’t want to see her headphones anymore… a school, this !. At 3 B I sang them four and they realigned. So I had an hour of gray class and then headed for the bar. here at mid-morning the headmaster Tozzo raids, while Cardamone is swallowing the third croissant and Franco absent-mindedly rinsing the cups.

Professor – he tells me – did the new Minister of Education see him ?. I nod and resume with my macchiato and bitter coffee. A serious person! A scholar, professor … without detracting from his predecessor, mind you …, clarifies the ecumenical Tozzo.

He wrote “The Roman Empire destroyed by immigrants”. To be serious serious – Cardamone says, throwing the last bite down – a bit sovereign… the theorist of a sort of democratic sovereignty… eh ?. Franco raises his head.

Professors, in the school there is no politics but all ideas are welcome, don’t you think ?. We all nod, including Franco. Then Tozzo approaches me imperceptibly.

Arturo, these wide-ranging lessons of yours… interesting, for heaven’s sake… but these globalist ideologies… let’s give space to other voices too… right ?.

I could say that I try to follow the ministerial directions, as far as I can. I could ask if he considers Pope Francis a globalist leader. Instead, surprisingly, I hear myself say: Sovereignty, headmaster … how to look for a permanent center of gravity … right ?.

Good boy! But with balance, mind you….

Our homeland the whole world, principal, our law the freedom….

The inalienable freedom, professors….

To be precise, I would be for a model without a timetable and without a flag, I repeat.

He stares at me. She looks a little tired. As you want, so as not to tell me that Italy is not a beautiful country, he says, who has opened the discussion and now does not know how to get out of it.

Ah, if for this reason – I add – I am an Italian, a true Italian….

He is quiet. She wants to leave. Then on the threshold of the bar she turns and says to me: And the teacher? Do you know where? I should talk to her.

Chiara is not there, headmaster, gone away, Chiara is no longer my thing, I do it between my teeth, shaking my head. He leaves. And when he comes out, Cardamone explodes: What a bravo! And we always do this, Arturo! Let’s play! Continue to take nothing seriously … and always do it your own way, Arturo, who then we saw the results !.

The reply comes naturally to me: I can say about everything, that I did my way, but with what results I don’t know….

He goes away snuffing. Ne me quitte pas, Cardamone, don’t go away…, I’ll accompany him. Then I turn to Franco with an amused air, but Franco freezes me in two words. He says I was wrong this time. Principal Tozzo is not doing well these days. worried. And he was looking for Chiara to get to that doctor, that knowledge of the teacher that he would now have a great need.

Who?. I ask. Giulio always married who will never leave his wife ?. Franco nods. I’m staying there, I’m not saying no. I leave the dented bar and slowly make my way to 3 F. Then suddenly I change direction and look into the presidency. Stocky has one elbow on the desk and her forehead resting on the palm of his hand. He asks me if there are any other problems. I tell him that we are all here to compare ideas, only if you do not explain things in detail, and in an elementary way, you sow in the sand and that’s it. And that he still has to feel comfortable.

He answers nodding and adds that today is a bit like that for him today. I tell him it happens. And then she runs away: Tomorrow another day, principal, we’ll see….

Words, only words between us, Professor, makes me smile.

October 26, 2022 | 08:43

© Time.News

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