It should be hoped that Esther Hayut watched the interview with the founder of “Telegrass” Amos Silver

by time news

Guy Peleg interviews Amos Dov Silver, weekend news, Keshet 12

The cannabis that reaches my desk (licensed, licensed) is not brought to me, I assume, from the warehouses of the pirate service “Telegrass”. From my experience, by the way, I can testify that medical cannabis works. And how it works. Fortunately, I can testify that I needed this green-green when it already became legal and I was not called to meetings on dark and completely illegal street corners to obtain the miraculous pain-relieving plant. For years, the State of Israel turned those who did need it – including the seriously ill – into criminals who consume a “dangerous drug”, only because its 120 legislators did not have the courage or The desire to move the butt.

Amos Dov Silver, who founded Telegrass, was the savior of those whom the State of Israel was too cowardly to help. The State of Israel, instead of solving the burning problem, sent the police after Silver to capture him and bring him to trial. We need to rub our eyes and ears at the sight and hearing of the great efforts that the state invested, which included sending police officers abroad, to capture and bring to Israel the cruel Amos Dov Silver.

It is all the more difficult to believe that Silver has been in detention for no less than three and a half years, more than 100 court sessions have been held in his case and the legal process is still only in the preliminary stage. Silver was recently released to house arrest. In the car going to his house, he was interviewed by the journalist Guy Peleg.

  • This is the event that brought together all the ministers in one place a week before the elections

In itself, Silver is a slightly strange client, and Peleg hovered around him in a not entirely focused conversation that did not open up for the man – still innocent to those who have forgotten – the possibility of expressing his anger at the abnormal length of time in which he rotted in detention and at the cowardice of the state. Pelag, apparently complacent and satisfied with the very fact of obtaining the interview, did not lead Silver to the appropriate fields of rage in this case. Too bad. And yet, one should hope that maybe Esther Hayut watched the article and now she is furiously calling the judges under her responsibility who kept a defendant in custody for three and a half years. The animal justice system undoubtedly needs a very strong shake-up.

see or give up: Three and a half years? see to be startled.

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