A question for Internet enthusiasts- will you scream? Do not squeeze! Elon Musk has captured the chirping bird

by time news

Elon Musk has bought Keechu outright for $44 billion (Rs 3.65 lakh crore). Now that he’s yelled at Keechu’s top staff, will he yell at this squeaker he’s captured? Do not squeeze! is the question of internet enthusiasts.

12, Aipasi, Tamil Nadu-5124: Elon Musk is active on Twitter. In this case, he bought 9.2 percent shares of Keechu Company six months ago. After that he was expected to be on the Board of Directors of Keechu. But, he refused to take part in it. However, in the next few days he announced that he wanted to buy Keechu outright. He said it would give a total of $44 billion at a price of $54.20 per share.

There was opposition to this among the Keychu employees. However, Keechu’s board of directors agreed to sell the company to Elon Musk. The transaction is said to be completed by the end of this year.

In this context, Elon Musk announced that he was backing out of the deal saying that the company had not yet provided certain information. This plan went to the Trust. Elon Musk was tasked by the American Trust to make decisions on the deal.

In this case, now Elon Musk has completely bought Keechu for 44 billion dollars (Rs. 3.65 lakh crore). Elon Musk has posted the reason behind his purchase of Keechu.

Right now both the right wing and the left wing are promoting hatred on social media. Social media companies are also promoting this hate trend. That is how the companies believe that money is coming. Due to this the platform for harmonious dialogue is lost. I realized that a platform is imperative for future generations to have a non-violent harmonious dialogue. That’s why I bought the key. I don’t buy kechu to earn income. I have bought it to help humanity’, he said.

Elon Musk is taking action following his acquisition of Keechu. Elon Musk has fired Keechu CEO Barak Aggarwal.

Keechu’s chief financial officer Ned Sehgal, head of legal Vijaya Katte and general counsel Sean Edgal have also been removed.

Barak Agarwal was sacked less than a year after taking charge. In this case, according to the contract of the company, he is expected to be paid 42 million dollars (Rs. 350 crores) as compensation.
-Tamil has not only continuous year but also continuous day reckoning. Today’s Tamil Serial Number: 18,71,416.

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