Boy birthday balloon floats 804 km away

by time news

Huyler is a woodworker. A few days later, he notices a balloon stuck in the fence while mowing the lawn. The envelope attached to the balloon had the name of the business selling the balloon and the name of the boy’s school, “Mountain Grove Elementary School.”

The viewer sent handmade gifts and a baseball bat to the boy and his teacher. He has also given 100 dollars (8,228 rupees) to the boy. He wrote a letter to the boy’s parents and attached his photos.

In it, “The act of giving a simple gift to a 2nd class student by his family to express their love on his birthday really touched me. Johnson is so lucky to have a family that strives to show selfless love.”

The school posted the incident on their Facebook page. After that, this incident deserves everyone’s appreciation.

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