Don’t miss it: tonight we switch to winter time 2022

by time news

So after the holidays and the long hot summer days, the fall season has arrived and with it the winter time. Do you feel like time is slipping out of your hands? So we arranged an extra hour for you. Pay attention when you switch to winter time.

When do you switch to winter time and move the clock back?

DST – 2022 ends this weekend on the night between Saturday night, Wednesday, Cheshon, October 29, 2022, to Sunday, Thursday, Cheshon, October 30, 2022.

At 02:00 in the morning the hands must be moved back one hour to 01:00.

Gain an hour or lose an hour?

When the clock is switched to winter time, the clock will be moved back one hour. Therefore we will actually gain an extra hour of sleep.

Please note that the clocks and digital devices will be updated automatically, but the time change must be made on the dial clocks. The significant advantage of changing the clock is the adjustment of human activity to the hours of light and darkness, something that affects the economy and enables savings in electricity, in one year it is a cost of hundreds of millions of shekels.

Director General of the Ministry of the Interior Yair Hirsch: “The summer time that ends at the weekend lasts 210 days this year, and the additional daylight hours in the long summer time have contributed to the citizens of the country, to the economy and to commerce. The winter time that will start this weekend will end in time for next Passover. I wish the citizens of Israel a good winter and healthy”.

When do you return to summer time?

Daylight saving time will begin again on Friday, Nisan 2023, March 24, 2023.

Don’t forget to set the Shabbat clocks to winter time

We have also prepared a guide with a short explanation that will help you set the Shabbat clock

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